Tips to Increase Your Chances of Passing the CPLP Presented by Mary McWalter, CPLP Technical Trainer Boston Private Bank & Trust Company Boston, MA 02109 Tel: (617) 912-1932 January 2014
What is CPLP? Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP)
Based on Revised ASTD Competency Model January 2014
CPLP CI Questions Contact the ASTD Certification Institute (ASTD CI) for specific procedural steps. Pat Byrd
CPLP Components Knowledge Exam Work Product Eligibility
Eligibility Requirements At least 5 years T&D experience Time and commitment Have the funds. Cost of test is $799.00 (ASTD national members) and $999.00 (nonmembers.)
Knowledge Exam 150 multiple choice questions Computer based exam 10 Areas of Expertise (AOE) “Application” of knowledge
Work Product Recent work project within last five yrs. Choose an AOE Instructional Design, Training Delivery, Performance Improvement or, Managing Learning Programs 10 essay questions Provide supporting evidence Signed forms
What I Did… Knowledge Exam 3/13 Delivery of training project 8/13: 20 min video recording, leader’s guide, 10 essays, and evidence.
Tips Use Resources Allow plenty of time Choose the right AOE Choose the right project Build an internal network
Tips Reward participation Submit quality evidence Write great essays Submit by the deadline Reward yourself
1. Use Resources Review website ASTD-Certification-Institute
1. Use Resources, cont’d Review current: CPLP Orientation CPLP Certification Handbook (formerly the Candidate Bulletin) Part 1: Program Overview Part 2: Knowledge Exam Part 3: Work Product Part 4: Recertification
1. Use Resources, cont’d Work Product: Chapter for your Specific AOE Scoring Guide Templates Submission Guidelines Scoring Process Critical Flaws/Pitfalls
1. Use Resources, cont’d ASTD Learning System ASTD Flashcards ASTD instructor led workshops (includes online version) Not required
1. Use Resources, cont’d Sample CPLP Work Product Materials: (Delivery of Training)
1. Use Resources, cont’d Join CPLP Candidate group on LinkedIn Form or Join Study groups Webinars and classes Other materials/books on the AOE
1. Use Resources, cont’d
2. Allow Plenty of Time Estimates: 10-12 weeks for Knowledge Exam 40 to 80 hrs for work product submission (excluding time to do actual project) Plan work product when studying for exam
3. Choose the Right AOE Choose AOE – where you have “Expertise” Instructional Design Training Delivery Performance Improvement or Managing Learning Programs
4. Choose the Right Project Choose a project that meets the ASTD criteria Must be a real work project Be able to describe the process
5. Build an Internal Network Get sponsor approval for the work product early: Explain CPLP process Ensure confidentiality Get buy-in from project team for process and level of formality
5. Build an Internal network, cont’d For delivery of training: Need participants willing to be video recorded: Explain purpose ahead of time Offer incentives …lunch!! Need someone to video tape the session
6. Reward Participation Thank them Free food!! Let them know when you passed
7. Submit Quality Evidence
7. Submit Quality Evidence Emails, meeting invites, agendas Photos: flip charts, room set-up Reports, project and evaluation plans Conceal confidential information
8. Write Great Essays Write several versions of your essays Use the correct font size Be careful with grammar Use “I” Get someone else to review
9. Submit by the Deadline Has to arrive by the deadline FedEx, UPS, or US Mail Don’t require a signature
10. Reward Yourself
The Result!
Recertification Every three years Accrue 60+ recertification points
Are You Certifiable?
Thank You and Good Luck! Mary McWalter, CPLP January 2014 Technical Trainer Boston Private Bank & Trust Company Boston, MA 02109 Tel: (617) 912-1932 January 2014