Inquiry Lessons
Inquiry Lessons The world is full of questions Students need to learn how to problem solve and find answers (Sternberg) Problem Solving (Bruner) Increased intellectual potency Shift from extrinsic to intrinsic reinforcements Learning the heuristics of discovery Aid to memory processing
Inquiry Problem Centered Model 1 (Suchman) Teacher selects a problem and conducts research Introduce the process and present the problem to the students Students gather data (teacher questioning) Students develop a theory and verify Students explain the theory and state the rules associated with it Analyze the process Evaluate
WebQuest Model of Inquiry Model 2 Teacher selects a problem and conducts research Present the problem to the students and introduce the WebQuest Template introduction, task, process, evaluation, conclusion, credits and references Students gather data and information to solve problem Students develop and verify solutions
Inquiry Problem Centered Model 3 Explore the problem Use I-Chart Share different solutions Take action
Other ways of Conducting Inquiry Lessons Structured Inquiry Guided Inquiry Student Directed Inquiry Problem Based Learning