Absolute energy calibration of


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Presentation transcript:

Absolute energy calibration of 32nd ICRC, August 11-18, 2011, Beijing, China # 1252 Absolute energy calibration of the Telescope Array Fluorescence Detector with an Electron Linear Accelerator Tatsunobu Shibata Institute for Cosmic Ray, University of Tokyo 2011.08.17(Wed) Session 3 ( H.E. 1.4 ) 32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China

Electron Light Source (ELS) Precise measurement of Energy of UHECR is most important Proposed a new calibration for Fluorescence Detectors ( FD )                               of the Telescope Array ( TA ) = use Electron Beam from LINAC(ELS) near FD site ELECTRON BEAM COSMIC RAY Item systematic error of FD Fluorescence Yield 11 % Detector 10 % Atmosphere Reconstruction Total Systematic Error 21 % ELS is located at 100m far from FD Known beam energy and current = We can calculate energy deposit in the air We can calibrate all of FD calibration constant = End-to-End Calibration 32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China

32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China Design of ELS Output power = 40MeV(Max) ×109e-/pulse x 0.5Hz = 3.2mW Pulse width = 1μsec Use Non Frozen water : Propylene Glycol solution RF System Frequency=2856MHz Output Power~20MW 20kW Cooling Unit 30℃,110L/min RF 40MeV e- Faraday Cup Core Monitor (Current Transfer) Collimator (SLIT) Electron Gun       (100keV) 90-deg Bending Magnet Accelerator Unit ( Buncher, Accelerator Tube, Magnets ) Energy is estimated w/ 90°Bending Magnet Beam Monitor = Beam Charge is measured w/ Faraday Cup 32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China

Final Figure of ELS in KEK Construction of ELS was completed in KEK, Feb.’09 32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China

ELS Installation in FD Site Feb-Mar.2009 ELS was installed at the FD Site 100m far from FD Apr.2009 – May.2010 Setup the infrastructure of the ELS Jun-Sep.2010 Standby of the ELS Beam Operation Beam Shot Direction Radiation Controlled Area ELS Concrete Shield 2ft-thich, 12ft-height ELS Control Room Optical LAN cable is connected from FD site. Generator (80kW) Power for ELS operation ~50kW Keep power for Air Condition and Vacuum from generator in FD site. Cooling Unit Container Taken the picture in Sep.5th.2010 from top of the FD station 32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China

ELS Installation in FD Site Fluorescence Detectors Station Beam Shot Direction 100m ELS 32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China

32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China Radiation Safety Administrator : University of Utah Radiation Protection Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) Responsible User(RU) Onsite-Radiation Safety Officer (Onsite-RSO) Onsite-Responsible User (Onsite-RU) ◆ Need ≧2 persons during Operation ( Onsite-RSO ×1+Onsite-RU ×1 ) ◆ All people need license of Radiation worker in Univ. of Utah 32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China

First Shot and Detection by FD Event Display of ELS Shower Data : Sept.5th .2010. 04:30 am ( UTC ) Energy : 41.1MeV First Shot in Sept.2010 DATA Beam Operation : Sept.2nd -4th Beam shot into the Sky : Sept. 3rd and 4th # of Shot into the Sky~1800 pulses     Output power = 41.1MeV×40~140pC/pulse×0.5Hz 32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China

32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China ELS Analysis Concept of Absolute Energy Calibration with ELS = Comparison of FADC counts between DATA and Simulation Real Data - ELS Data • Beam monitor ( Energy, Beam Current ), Injection Position(GPS) - FD Data • Shower data which is observed with FD(FADC) • Air condition ( Temperature, Pressure, Humidity ) with Weather Monitor MC Data - Shower Generator • Air shower simulation by using Geant4.9.3.p02 - FD Simulation • TA Official Software 32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China

32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China ELS Analysis Status (1) Y-PMTs(=1~32) Comparison results Y-PMT#=1 Y-PMT#=24 Y-PMT#=32 (1) Longitudinal distribution of ELS beam <DATA> Used 612 events took in 5th.Sept.’10 Beam Energy = 41.1 MeV 16PMTs <MC> Beam energy = 41.1MeV Y-axis : Summation of FADC of 16 PMTs in one Y-PMTs, and Normalized by Total FADC <Results> Matching is Good. 32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China

32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China ELS Analysis Status (2) Comparison results (2) Lateral Distribution of ELS beam ■ DATA Y-PMT#32 Y-PMT#=32 – MC Y-PMT#=24 Y-PMT#24 Y-PMT#17 Y-PMT#=17 Y-PMTs(=1~32) Y-PMT#16 Y-PMT#=16 Y-PMT#8 Y-PMT#=8 Y-PMT#1 Y-PMT#=1 <Results> Matching is Good. 32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China

32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China Summary Motivation of ELS ( Electron Light Source ) Absolute Energy Calibration by one source        Sept.2010 First Shot was Detected. ELS Analysis started Compared Data and MC Matching of Shape of Longitudinal and Lateral distribution are good. 32nd ICRC, August.11-18, 2011, Beijing, China