September Newsletter Coins4Cure 5th grade September is Cancer Awareness Month From September 6-16 students may bring in coins as a donation to Cure and compete to see which grade level collects the most! PTA Program On Thursday September 15th the fourth and fifth grade students will be performing in this program. A letter was sent home to sign up your child. If your child is able to participate please return the form to your child’s homeroom teacher. Flu Shot County wide school flu vaccines will be administered the week of Sept 26th. Please note that we will ONLY receive the shots, NO MIST. NO ONE will have mist this year, even at the doctor’s offices per CDC recommendations. The deadline for flu vaccine consent forms is Sept. 13th STEM Festival Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Festival September 24, 1016 10:00 a.m. – 4 p.m. Georgia Southern University To contact your child’s teacher: