Charlie and the Chocolate Factory GRAMMAR HELP FOR YOUR SCRIPTS!
Puzzling Pronouns Used in place of a noun Common pronouns are: he, she, they, it, him, her, theirs. Only use them when you have already stated the noun before. Ex. Charlie wanted a golden ticket. He ate a lot of chocolate.
Perplexing Progressive Verbs Use the progressive form when you want to show that an action is continuing. Present tense: Past Tense: Person Singular Plural First Person I am (verb)-ing We are (verb)-ing Second Person You are (verb)-ing Third Person He/she/it is (Verb) -ing They are (verb)-ing Person Singular Plural First Person I was (verb)-ing We were (verb)-ing Second Person You were (verb)-ing Third Person He, she, it was (verb)-ing They were (verb)-ing
More Progressive Verbs! Future Tense: Person Singular Plural First Person I will be (verb)-ing We will be (verb)-ing Second Person You will be (verb)-ing Third Person He/she/it will be (verb)-ing They will be (verb)-ing
Awesome Adjectives Size Color Shape Amount Big, small, medium Adjectives describe a noun Examples Size Color Shape Amount Big, small, medium Red, blue, pink Round, square A lot, a little
Amazing Adverbs Use with verbs Usually end in –ly Adverbs describe an action Examples Use with verbs Usually end in –ly Similar to adjectives He walked swiftly to class Slowly, quickly, softly They both describe!
Prepositions Used to link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in the sentence Can become prepositional phrases Ex. The book is on the shelf. To view a list of 49 prepositions, click below and scroll to page 6
Sentence Structure Katie watches movies. A simple sentence structure has one clause. A compound sentence has two clauses joined by a conjunction. Katie watches movies. Katie watches movies and I play piano.
Editing Symbols In this project we will be self and peer editing our projects! Use the link below to view common editing marks that we will use in class:
Writing Tips Use all your prior knowledge to write good sentences Include adjectives and adverbs Look over your writing when you are finished Make sure you use proper grammar Take information from the PowerPoint to enhance your skills