Bell Work: Read over 2:12 This Week Friday- Memory Verse Quiz and chapter Quiz Philippians 2:9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, Philippians 2:10-11 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
Sending the 70 and the Fall of Satan Chapter 5.1 Luke 9:51-10:24
Objectives I will be able to relate faith with action in my everyday life. I will know the events leading up the last week of Jesus’ life. I will be able to interrupt Jesus’ explanation of what it cost to follow Him and discuss what that would look like in my life. I will be able to Identify with the disciples who were sent out. I will know the purpose of Jesus weeping and the resurrection of Lazarus.
Setting Starting in Galilee and making his way down to Judea Sent the 70 ahead of him Jesus was rejected in Samaria Jericho- healed a blind man and met with Zacchaeus
Cost of following Jesus Luke 9:51-62 What is NOT meant by Jesus’ explanation of what it cost to follow Him? Its not “success” in your ministry, reputation, hours at church. Does not mean all other relationships are unimportant. What does it mean to follow Jesus? Jesus is the most important relationship. Your relationship with Him will affect everything else you do.
Jesus Raises Lazarus Chapter 5.2 John 11
Ministry of John the Baptist (John 10: 40-42) What was John the Baptist’s purpose? To prepare the way for the Messiah. He planted the spiritual seeds and watered them; but he didn’t get to reap the fruit. Jesus returned to the area where John did ministry (Perea), and he was the one who reaped what John had sowed. Our job is simply to tell others about Jesus. We may never see the results, and that’s ok!
Lazarus Raised
God’s Ways (John 11:1-6) John 11:5-6 is a weird couple of verses. Jesus “loved Martha..Mary..and Lazarus,” but he “stayed 2 days longer where he was” when he heard Lazarus was sick. Why did he wait? If he loved them so much, then why wouldn’t he immediately run to their rescue? Answer: John 11:4. God’s ways are not our ways; His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. His lack of action does not mean He does not care; it simply means He has a greater plan in store for the evil He allows.
Disciples’ Weakness (John 11:7-16) John 11:7-16 reveals 3 weaknesses about the Disciples: 1. They lacked ___________ (v. 8) The disciples didn’t trust Jesus enough to obey him. 2. They lacked _____________ (v. 12-13) They thought Jesus was going to Bethany to wake Lazarus 3. They lacked _________ (v. 16) Thomas believed the Pharisees would kill Jesus, even though he had seen Jesus escape them many times.
Martha’s Wisdom (11:17-27) Jewish Burial Customs: Jews mourned for 7 days. 1st three days- “days of weeping.” Jews believed the spirit of a person wandered around for 3 days after death. Next four days- “days of lamenting.” On the 4th day, Jews believed the spirit left the tomb, and all hope was lost. Martha had faith that Jesus would resurrect Lazarus at his Second Coming. But her faith went no further than that because it had been 4 days since Lazarus died.
Mary’s Wishes (11:28-32) Martha and Mary both said the same thing to Jesus: “If only you’d have been here…” Mary did not look to the future like Martha did though. Mary lived in the past and it caused her to lose faith in Jesus for her present needs. We cannot be “if only” Christians. If you made mistakes, ask for forgiveness, get up, and keep looking to Jesus today. When trials come, who will you be like: Martha? Or Mary?
Jesus Wept (11:33-38) Jesus’ tears: Why did he cry? They weren’t tears of pity for Lazarus. They were pain-felt tears caused by everyone’s lack of faith in who he was. Jesus’ anger: the Bible says Jesus was “deeply moved” and “greatly troubled.” The context seems to show us that he was intensely angry because of sin and its effects (death). Jesus was about to go to battle against the forces of Death.
Jesus’ Words (11:39-44) What was the job of the people in v. 41? To remove the stone. How did Jesus get Lazarus out of the grave? With his voice. This relationship still exists today. God’s people help Him remove “stones” of doubt from people’s hearts, but Christ’s words alone cause men to desire salvation and forgiveness.