Rapid Diagnostics and Stewardship: Combating the Rise of Antimicrobial Resistance
Overprescribing of Antibiotics in the United States
Antibiotic Resistance: A Growing Threat
Implications of Overprescribing
Overprescribing: Finding a Cure
ASP Objective: Patient Safety
Antimicrobial Stewardship Across the Continuum of Care
Linking Diagnostics to Stewardship: The Right Test for the Right Patient at the Right Time
RDTs Support Antimicrobial Stewardship
Path of Conventional Microbiology
RDTs: Biomarkers of Infection/Inflammation
Molecular RDTs: Culture Dependent
Molecular RDTs: Culture Independent
Case: 54-year-old Woman
Case: Test Results
Time to Determine Optimal Antibiotic Therapy: Traditional vs Rapid Diagnostic Methods
Beta Lactams More Effective Than Vancomycin Against MSSA
Faster Time to Effective Therapy Makes a Difference
Lower Overall Cost Per Episode Justified Higher Cost of RDT
Use of MALDI-TOF Decreased Time to Effective Therapy by 41 Hours
Implementation of RDTs: Short-Term Considerations
Implementation of RDTs: Short-Term Considerations (cont)
Implementation of RDTs: Long-Term Considerations
Implementing RDTs: Keys to Success
Implementing RDTs: Keys to Success (cont)
ASPs: Nurses Are Critical
ASPs: The Role of Pharmacists
Concluding Remarks
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)