UNLOCKING THE KNOWLEDGE OF NOUNS AND VERBS By Susan Andrews Edgewood Elementary - - Stoneham, MA June, 2003 Welcome to UNLOCKING THE KNOWLEDGE OF NOUNS AND VERBS. This presentation provides various ways in which to help students understand the difference between nouns and verbs. The goal is to guide them in becoming writers.
HAVING TROUBLE WITH NOUNS? Some students have difficulty in recognizing nouns and verbs in sentences. What is a noun? What is a verb?
A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. DEFINITIONS: A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. A verb is a word that shows the The definitions of nouns and verbs are written here visually for students who can read and understand the meaning of each term. state of action, being or doing.
DEFINITION: NOUN Person Thing Place Pictures are used as a means to define nouns for those that need a more vivid way to understand the meaning of nouns The little child represents a person, the building stands for a place, and the tree symbolizes a thing. Person Thing Place
LISTS OF NOUNS People children girl boy Mother Father students Places town city street school playground home Things tree book building road car table game A list of nouns is supplied to aid students in recognizing the different kinds of words under each heading of people, places, and things.
The train traveled down the track. SENTENCES USING NOUNS The train traveled down the track. Many children played at the park. Justin and Jillian were twins. Examples of sentences are given to illustrate the use of nouns. {Use lines to underline nouns in each of the sentences.}
DEFINITION: VERB Action Being Doing This slide helps students to understand the definition of a verb through the use of graphics. Action Being Doing
Definition: Verb Doing Action Being Is,AM, ARE This is another use of visual media to help the students understand the definition of verbs. Action Being
LISTS OF VERBS Action Being Doing swims is liking reads are living sleeps has seeing eats were giving plays have coming rides was beginning In the same way a list was made for verbs under the headings of action, being, and doing.
The boys and girls jumped rope at recess. SENTENCES USING VERBS The boys and girls jumped rope at recess. Harry chased the cat around the block. Again sentences are given to show the use of verbs and recognizing them in written form. Father shopped for groceries at the store.
Write six original sentences. APPLICATION: Now it is your turn. Write six original sentences. Underline the nouns in red and the verbs in green. This slide gives instructions for applying the knowledge that the students have gained through the use of various methods of learning about nouns and verbs.
IS IT THE BEGINNING OF GOOD WRITING? THE END OR This program is only the beginning of a process in becoming a good writer. It takes practice to become better at writing sentences and communicating thoughts and ideas. A last remark: “Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser.’’ Proverbs 9:9, first part IS IT THE BEGINNING OF GOOD WRITING?