Nội dung
Install Web Server Role
IIS Features
IIS Features
command-line tool pkgmgr.exe add components to Web Server
Create, Configure & Manage Websites-IIS Manager
IIS manager’s section
Add Web Site
configuration site
Creating a Virtual Directory alias linking another directory not contained within home directory appear to users as simply a subfolder to website
Website Properties right-clicking a website selecting Properties
SMTP E-Mail feature
Secure Websites
secured website
IP & Domain Restrictions allow or deny access to a single IP address a range of IP addresses domain name.
Restrictive Authentication
HTTP Request Filtering
Restrict Directory Browsing disabled by default allows client to see directories & drill down on desired files Restrict Directory Browsing is enabled restrict what user will see while browsing
users supply credentials
Delegate Rights Assignments
define what remote managers will be able to change
Using SSL Certificates
Steps Request certificate Install Cert Create Certificate Request— Create Domain Certificate Request— Create Self-Signed Certificate Request— Install Cert bind Internet Server Certificate for website & enable configure SSL settings for site application or physical directory
domain-based certificate request
Config SSL
Web user Account
Assigning Permissions to User Account
Improve IIS 7.0 Performance
Output Caching keep a copy of previously requested pages in memory When using it with dynamic web content two modes User mode Kernel mode
Compression improve transmission of data by utilizing less bandwidth applied to static files and/or dynamic applications
Logging Frequency
Installing & Configuring FTP supporting FTP over SSL. host multiple FTP sites with same IP address Both web & FTP content can be hosted from same site. UTF8, IPv6, and integration with other repositories such as SQL Server are supported.
Installing FTP Server
Creating a Secure FTP 7.5 Site Using SSL
Configuring FTP 7.5 Features & Properties
FTP Authentication Feature Page
authentication mechanisms for FTP Anonymous Authentication Basic Authentication ASP.NET Authentication IIS Manager Authentication
FTP Directory Browsing Feature Page
Directory Listing Options
FTP Messages Feature Page
FTP Messages Feature Page
FTP User Isolation Feature Page
Configuring SMTP
Installing SMTP Server Feature
Configuring SMTP Services SMTP Virtual Server has its own set of configuration settings Managed independently.
Creating a New SMTP Virtual Server right-click server object point to New/SMTP Virtual Server select on which network connections SMTP server specify file system location that will serve as root for SMTP virtual server
Configuring General SMTP Server Settings
General tab network connection settings for SMTP server use Advanced button to configure multiple bindings
Securing Access to an SMTP Virtual Server
Authentication settings
restrict access to SMTP virtual server click Connection button on Access tab Only The List Below only computers that match the entry rules All Except The List Below Rule add are for pc that are not allowed
relay restrictions SMTP relaying Relay Restrictions a message is sent with both to and from addresses that are not part of virtual server’s domain method for spammers Relay Restrictions specify which computers can relay messages through SMTP server
Configuring Messages Options
Defining Delivery Properties
Defining Delivery Properties Maximum Hop Count hop count to record the number of times it has been forwarded. Masquerade Domain rewrite domain of From addr used for outbound messages ensure that outgoing messages have a consistent domain name Fully Qualified Domain Name DNS address of SMTP virtual server, Address (A) and Mail Exchanger (MX) records.
Smart Host messages from this SMTP virtual server will be routed through specified server used when multiple internal servers should route their messages through a specific SMTP server that has access to Internet
Enabling LDAP Routing Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) queries to resolve to & from addresses in mail specify type of LDAP system SMTP server will be connecting address of server
Managing Security Permissions
Monitoring SMTP Virtual Servers
Using an SMTP Virtual Server Using Telnet Using a Client Messaging Application Configuring SMTP Settings for ASP.NET
Configuring SMTP e-mail settings for an IIS 7 Web site