RACES in Texas 13 April 2009 Ian Feldman
About RACES RACES is the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Defined by FCC Part 97, Subpart E, Section 97.407 Establishes radio networks to be operated by amateur radio operators in the event of an emergency Control over RACES is given to the states
Texas RACES Texas RACES is governed through the Department of Public Safety The State RACES Radio Officer oversees operation of RACES
In an Emergency A Net Control Station will be designated The State’s station uses the call sign WC5AAH, but this function can be delegated to another station Specific frequencies have been set aside by the FCC for use by RACES
Local RACES Local jurisdictions may also appoint RACES Radio Officers Local organizations report to the State RACES Liaison Officer Local organizations assist the state as needed
RACES Application An application for Texas RACES is available on the DPS Website Texas requires the following of its RACES operators: A General or Extra Class license No record of FCC License Suspension or disciplinary action in any other amateur radio emergency organization No felony convictions
RACES Training RACES training is held the second and fourth Sunday of each month The Net Control Station rotates between different regions The region that includes Harris County is the primary NCS on the 4th Sunday in February, and the alternate NCS on the 4th Sunday in June
RACES Operation Messages are given to radio operators, who relay them via the net Messages consist of a number (assigned sequentially), the date, the originating station and its location, and the body of the message The message is broken every few words to allow the receiving station to copy it down
RACES Operation The receiving station confirms receipt of the message (repeating the message number) if it was received correctly If not, the receiving station requests “fills” until the message is complete After all traffic has been received, the sending station announces “Traffic Completed, Out”
Example of Operation This is K5AAA (pause) Message Number Four (pause) January eight slant one three five five (pause) K5XXX, Dallas, Texas (pause) To Regional Liason Officer, Region One (pause) Dallas, Texas (pause)
Example of Operation Communications into flooded area (pause) have failed (pause) District Radio Officer (pause) David Jones (pause) being contracted (pause) to provide RACES support (pause)
Example of Operation Authority Donald Banks (pause) Coordinator Kaufman County (pause) Over Receiving station replies: This is K5XYZ Roger Message Number Four, Over
References Texas Department of Public Safety. (2007). Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan and SOPs (DEM-103). Austin, TX: State of Texas. State RACES Application. Retrieved April 12, 2009, from Texas Department of Public Safety Web site: ftp://ftp.txdps.state.tx.us/dem/radio/races_application.pdf Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service. Retrieved April 12, 2009, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Web site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Amateur_Civil_Emergency_Service