Global Labor Trends & Inequality The World of Labor is changing rapidly, are you ready?
New Labor Trends Over the past 20 years Labor has significantly changed United States: ↓ Union power ↓ “Job Security” overall ↓ Manufacturing Jobs (blue collar) ↑ use of Automation (robots) & ↑ immigration ↑ Demand for Educated Workers (white collar) ↑ Women advancing in both education/income ↑ Income Gap (Rich & Poor) Globally: Collapse of Soviet Union & Communist Economies Signing of free trade agreements around world China & India emerge as new economic powers European Union struggles with common currency & weak GDP growth
Humans Need Not Apply
Income Distribution Free markets focus on EFFICIENCY not EQUALITY United States has enormous wealth but tremendous inequality gap between the rich and is the highest since the 1920’s Globalization & Technology have exacerbated this trend
Wealth vs. Income Top 1% has 21% of Income & 40% of Wealth Bottom 20% has 3.4% of Income & 0.4% wealth Know these Numbers for final exam
Poverty in the USA is rising
Top 1% real wages keeps rising faster
47% of Americans pay no federal income taxes Top 1% pay more taxes 20% => 40% The bottom 90% pay less 50% => 33% BUT, the inequality gap rises! 47% of Americans pay no federal income taxes (still pay social security, Medicare & sales tax)
Reading: Winner Take All Society? Why do a few get most of the MONEY?
Winner Take All: Superstar Theory Why Now?
Top 1% versus Top 0.1% Top 1%: Top 0.1%: Income: Over $350,000 per year 1.5 million households Top 0.1%: Income: $1.4 million per year Only 146,000 households
Falling Income of Low-Skilled Low-Skilled Workers Highly Educated Workers Wages S Wages S ---------- ---------- W1 W1 ---------- D ---------- D Q1 Quantity Q1 Quantity Demand Falls: outsourcing of jobs automation Supply Rises ↑ low skilled immigration Demand Rises: more technology jobs automation required skilled workers What is good about inequality? => Incentive to ↑ Human Capital