Chapter Four: A World in Transition “The Impact of Globalization”
Globalization An international network of communication, technology and trade Free market capitalism International corporations International organization like WTO, IMF and World Bank
Impact Extremely productive Creation of new inventions and brand names New – earlier hostile – nations now members The “consumer economy” gone world wide (Picture: McDonald’s advertising in Beijing, China)
Anti-globalization (Alter-globalization) wishes to: Preserve local cultures Make decisions locally Stop endless growth Close the gap between rich and poor Avoid the control of international corporations and organizations
Supporters claim that that globalization has: Reduced poverty Improved life expectancy Spread democracy Reduced malnutrition Reduced inequality
Outsourcing – Moving jobs abroad Against For Exploiting cheap labor Taking away jobs in the West Using up resources Harming Earth Providing sought-after jobs Creating new consumers in the East Increasing production Improving living standards