O3YellowPages “Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages – O3YP”-


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Presentation transcript:

O3YellowPages “Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages – O3YP”- WP 2 – Technological harmonization “Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages – O3YP”- A Fixo3 output for all the community www.esonetyellowpages.com The ESONETYellowPages have been created, in the framework of the ESONET Project, and developed under FixO3 project (2015-2017). Currently named as OpenOceanObservatories YellowPages (O3YP) available at http://www.esonetyellowpages.com. The esonetyellowpages, aims to organize the information concerning on.the.shelf products for the development and mantainancme ofVdeep-sea Observatories

O3YellowPages WP 2 – Technological harmonization Open access catalogue of sensors, hardware and services related with ocean observatories; Freely available on line; All the users can search for specific sensors; Authenticated users can add sensors, services or hardware; Enhance links between the current users and the potential users. This reference will help the user, or the client that is searching for a sensor, in its decision, allowing him to know about a real application of that sensor, and providing a reference. In order to protect FixO3 about commercial or legal responsibilities about this reference a note is committed to this column informing: “* In this column, reference of use of this equipment in the FixO3 and other EC funded projects are mentioned. This reference reflects the feedback from the scientific community in what concerns the experience with a specific product, addressing reliability for long-term operations and the use in real deep sea or coastal conditions.  Neither the user, the EC project consortia nor the European Commission take commercial or legal responsibility of this information which is limited to establishing a link between existing data.”

O3YellowPages Observatory Reference for potential users: WP 2 – Technological harmonization Enhance links between the current users and the potential users. This reference will help the user, or the client that is searching for a sensor, in its decision, allowing him to know about a real application of that sensor, and providing a reference. In order to protect FixO3 about commercial or legal responsibilities about this reference a note is committed to this column informing: “* In this column, reference of use of this equipment in the FixO3 and other EC funded projects are mentioned. This reference reflects the feedback from the scientific community in what concerns the experience with a specific product, addressing reliability for long-term operations and the use in real deep sea or coastal conditions.  Neither the user, the EC project consortia nor the European Commission take commercial or legal responsibility of this information which is limited to establishing a link between existing data.” Observatory Reference for potential users: - only observatory name, not an quality evaluation

O3YellowPages WP 2 – Technological harmonization An open access database dedicated to deep-sea and ocean services: 260 sensors 218 hardware components 176 manufactures Deep-sea services : Gliders, ROV, data processing, etc. >450 contacts were performed with the industry . The O3YP has currently 260 sensors, 218 hardware components, and 176 manufactures. The graphics were improved during FixO3 project. A open access database dedicated to deep-sea and ocean services: 260 sensors, Deep-sea services : Gliders, ROV, Data processing 218 hardware components 176 manufactures

O3YellowPages WP 2 – Technological harmonization O3YP as a crucial database for Sensor Registry implementation; SensorML Editor (SMLE), a sensor registration interface, useful interoperability feature;

O3YellowPages WP 2 – Technological harmonization Outputs- Flyers to disseminate “Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages – O3YP” Two flyers were created in order to help to disseminate O3YP, and to be distributed on workshops, symposiums and conferences. The flyers were sent by email also. Flyers to be distributed on workshops, symposiums and conferences.

O3YellowPages WP 2 – Technological harmonization “Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages - O3YP” statistics: Number of different visitors: increasing during the last year Since October 2016 it was an increase in the number of different visitors, generally more than 1000 per month.

O3YellowPages WP 2 – Technological harmonization “Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages - O3YP” statistics: The most relevant countries using O3YP were from: Portugal, France, Unites States, China, Russian Federation followed by Germany and Great Britain. Portugal, France and USA represent more than 50% to the total visits

Collaborations & Legacy WP 2 – Technological harmonization O3YP Improve links between the current users and the potential users; > 450 contacts were performed with the industry FixO3 collaboration between WP2 and WP4 on the use of the O3YP for sensor registry and metadata constitution Sensor Web Enablement approach of Marine Infrastructures. O3YP- An useful tool that can be used during following EMSO-project O3YP-continuous sensors update, new sensors, new manufactures, etc. O3YP & Sensor registry – a work to be applied and developed during EMSO-ERIC, EMSO-DEV. Paper submission