27 Back to Basics
The bottom line Being on mission with God comes down to biblical and relational disciple-making
Two participles Mt. 28:18-20 Make disciples Baptizing Teaching Teaching is more than telling truth, it is teaching to obey truth By nurturing the saved to grow as citizens of the kingdom So, discipling is more process than event The successful missionary is committed to people not just some abstract notion of “missions”
Building bridges for the gospel Disciple-making
Principle One Focusing on the Learner more than the Task “Be willing to waste time with them” Showing them that they are more important than your agenda We focus God’s “agape” love in the individuals he brings into our life. This is the priority
Principle Two Come Alongside “you’ll never be like me, but we can walk together” When we find common ground, we can walk together
Principle Three Listen “I will listen to what you bring, if you will listen to who I am.” What was Dr. Younts experience in Kiev? What was the result? Application: look for ways to listen and act on what you hear Ask for advice and take it, if you at all can.
Principle Four Trusting “Can I depend on you? Will you depend on me?” We build relationships on a basis of mutual trust So Keep your word, every time Be on time Keep confidences Show yourself trustworthy in every way Be a learner from them
Principle Five Demonstrating “Show me how to minister here.” We teach for life change – so we must demonstrate the skill in a culturally appropriate way Engage your learners in activities other than listening. Problems to solve, questions to answer, situations to analyze
Principle Six Stretching “Now give me this hill country” We stretch ourselves by moving into unfamiliar country Use pilot projects to try out new ideas
Principle Seven Delegating-Supervising “I can do it myself. Do you care enough to watch?” Hold what you build loosely and work yourself out of a job There is a continuum. Delegate more as they demonstrate skill Give the ministry away as soon as you can
Principle Eight Supporting “How can you strengthen the work I do for the Lord?” Supporting what people are already doing allows you to participate beneficially in their ministry. It is the essence of being a servant leader – like Jesus
Conclusion The heart of missions is making disciples We do well to focus on the people God calls us to, passing on our life to them