Cells & Organisms – Micro organisms
Microorganisms are very small living things. They can only be seen using a microscope. How many different microbes can you name?
microorganisms bacteria viruses fungi
eyes ears nose mouth skin genitals cuts Microbes can enter the body in many different places. eyes ears nose mouth skin genitals cuts How are the diseases caused by microbes spread?
Viruses can cause disease Common cold influenza (flu) HIV/ AIDS
Bacteria can cause disease food poisoning bacterial meningitis impetigo
Can you .. Tell what micro organisms are Name the three different types of Micro-organisms List three common illnesses caused by Bacteria List three common illnesses caused by Viruses
Using microbes in Industry Bacteria grow in milk to make it ‘go off’. This is used to make milk into yoghurt and into cheese.
Using microbes in industry - yeast Yeast carries out respiration: energy glucose oxygen carbon dioxide water This is useful for making bread and beer
Uses of Micro organisms in Medicine 1. Antibiotics are made by some micro organisms and can be used to treat bacterial infections 2. Genetically altered bacteria can be used produce hormones like Insulin which we use to treat diabetes
Test yourself.. What are Micro- organisms? Name the three different types of Micro-organisms. Describe how micro-organisms are used in industry Describe how micro-organisms are used in medicine List three common illnesses caused by Bacteria List three common illnesses caused by Viruses