The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution Mid 1700’s- 1900’s Started in England and spread to the rest of the world Major changes in technology, economy, population, and socioeconomic status Made huge changes in how people worked.
Agricultural Revolution Prior to the industrial revolution, in the 1700’s, farming methods were improving Crop rotation, new seeding methods, breeding only the best livestock, technology increased. Small farmers lost their land due to enclosure movement (large landowners bought up small farms) Out of work farmers moved to the city to become factory workers. Led the way for the Industrial Revolution
Why did the Industrial Revolution start in England? “CAN BELCH & P” Climate- damp climate is good for textile production Avoided Wars- European wars did not take place on England’s soil. Natural Resources-coal,water power, iron ore to make tools & buildings.
Why did the Industrial Revolution start in England? (Continued) Banking System- bank loans,investments. Easier Transportation-by sea, railroads, canals and improved roads. Labor- steady workforce, people moving to the cities. Colonies- Britain had colonies from which to take raw materials (like cotton). Harbors- made it easy for merchants to sell and ship products. Political Stability- England had political peace and stability, allowing for a focus on industrialization. ***Remember “CAN BELCH & P”
Urbanization Urban = Cities Migration of people to the cities for jobs. Living Conditions no sanitary or building codes Lack of adequate housing, education & police. Lack of running water & indoor plumbing Spread of disease
Living Conditions
Factory System Factories were unsanitary and equipment was unsafe People worked long hours (14+ hours a day/6 days week) Workers received very poor wages (especially women & children) Severe discipline by factory owners Coal miners lifespan was generally 10 years shorter on average
Child Labor Children as young as 6 were forced to work 12-14 hours a day Received very short breaks if any Were beaten if they stopped working or got too tired. Operated large heavy machinery-often injured or killed children