Chapter 1: What is Physics? Mr. Rassi Honors Physics
What is studied in Physics? How the natural world works (matter & energy & their relationships) from smaller than atoms to galaxies
What questions does Physics answer? Who, What, When, Where, Why, How WHAT and HOW something works sometimes WHY
Why is Physics studied? Looking for broad explanations of phenomenon Sometimes it interests just Physicists Sometimes it leads to technology & devices used outside of science Examples?
Science vs. Technology Scientific discoveries lead to better technology Better technology allows more accurate/new science
What are the steps to a scientific investigation? Ask a question Test the question Revise understanding /ask new questions
History of discovery What you discovered depended on when you lived Aristotle Galileo Newton "If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants." Einstein The written record is very important for transferring knowledge across generations
Funding of Science Who funds Science & why? Government Business Non-profit organizations Private individuals