Industrial Revolution/ Progressive Era Vocabulary
1. Assembly Line - A system to speed up product production
2. Charity Giving time, money, or goods to those less fortunate A non-profit organization
3. Chinese Exclusion Act - 1882, prohibited Chinese Labor Immigration
4. Competition -A race/struggle to make a profit against a similar business/organization
5. Innovation -A new idea or invention
6. Jim Crowe Laws - Laws enforcing segregation after emancipation
7. KKK - A group of people that focuses on hatred of certain groups in the United States
8. Labor - To work for profit
9. Monopoly - Exclusive control of one group to produce or sell a product/service
10. Muckracker - Journalists who wrote about corruption in businesses and politics in order to bring about reform
11. Oppression - Cruel exercise of power to reduce someone’s social status
12. Progressivism - A way of thinking that promoting or favoring progress toward better conditions or new policies, ideas, or methods is most important.
13. Prosperity -The condition of achieving great wealth or knowledge
14. Quota -A proportional share of goods assigned to a group or member of a group to achieve a company goal
15. Race Riot - A potentially violent protest based on racial disagreements
16. Reform - To change a previous law or policy
17. Regulation - A rule or policy that dictates how businesses or organizations run.
18. Robber Barren - A man who owns a particular industry and often monopolizes it
19. Spoils System - After an election, the person elected gives jobs or money to his/her supporters
20. Strike - When a group of laborers refuses to work until certain conditions are met by their employer
21. Suffrage - The right to vote
22. Temperance - The refusal to use or distribute alcohol
23. Tenant Housing (Tenement) - A place where immigrants were forced to live that were often rundown and under the control of a “slumlord”
24. Trust - When the stock of a company is controlled by a board of trustees which tries to minimize production costs, control prices, eliminate competition, etc.
25. Union - When laborers form a group in order to represent the best policies for a business.