Republican Vice President: George H.W. Bush Ronald Reagan 1981-1989 Republican Vice President: George H.W. Bush
“Mr. Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THAT WALL!” Reagan challenges Gorbachev to open Germany November 9, 1989 Berlin Wall is opened End of Cold War
Japan Trade Imbalance- The United States imports more from Japan than it exports. Reagan makes deal- Japan needs to import more US products. Star Wars- Strategic Defense Initiative, massive satellite shield to intercept and destroy incoming Soviet missiles INF Treaty- Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russians, said could inspect others facilities
Assassination attempt Reagan shot and James Brady shot and paralyzed. Shooter is John Hinkley Jr. who did it for the love of actress Jodi Foster.
Iran Contra Scandal Top presidential aides sold weapons to Iran in exchange for help in freeing American hostages held in Lebanon. The money from the sale was then channeled to Contras in Nicaragua. Contras (anti communist) fighting communist Sandinistas. Becomes public and president says he didn’t know about it.
The New Immigrants & the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 High powered people had been caught hiring illegal immigrants. Causes bad publicity. To cut down on undocumented workers in the U.S., forbade employers from hiring illegal immigrants.
Just Say No! Launched war on drugs, first lady Nancy Reagan led the “Just Say No!” campaign. AIDS- 1981 Aids begins to spread rapidly and starts to affect non-homosexual people. Campaign to stop the spread, world wide issue.
Supply Side Economics= Reaganomics Cuts in taxes for people and businesses, especially large incomes because then they would re-invest the money into more businesses to stimulate the economy. (Similar to Trickle Down under Hoover.) NATIONAL DEBT INCREASES!
First Woman Appointed to Supreme Court Reagan appoints Sandra Day O’Connor