Industrial Revolution Greatly increased output of machine-made goods (1700s) Agricultural Revolution - Enclosure movement - Jethro Tull’s seed drill (p. 633) - Crop rotation - Scientific breeding (lambs 18 – 50 lbs. in 86 years) > Results: increased food & population
Great Britain’s Advantages - Water & coal to power machines - Iron ore to construct machines, tools, & buildings - Rivers for inland transportation - Harbors for its merchant ships - Wealth to invest in new machines - Highly developed banking system - Excess labor force - Stable government
Technological Advances - Textile industry > Flying Shuttle increased speed thread could be woven into cloth (1733) > Spinning Jenny increased speed cotton could be spun into thread (1764) > Factories built by rivers to use water power to run machines (1769) > Cotton Gin increased speed seeds could be removed from cotton (1793) > Steam engine allowed factories to be placed anywhere there was coal (1774
- Transportation > Steamships invented (1807) > Canals & macadam roads (early 1800s) > Railroad (1825) *aided industrial growth *created jobs for r.r. workers & miners *aided agricultural and fishing industries *aided travel for jobs & leisure
The Rocket (1829)