What is a costed provision map? First and foremost, special educational provision must be underpinned by high quality teaching and is compromised by anything less. For a small percentage of CYP, special educational provision will be required to support them making progress. Provision Mapping is a straightforward way of tracking the special educational provision for an individual CYP, and can be used by schools to monitor the appropriateness, effectiveness, and cost of support being accessed.
Information you will need: Name of the intervention Size of group Number of weeks the intervention ran for Length of the sessions Number of sessions each week Role of the staff leading each activity, e.g., TA level 2.
What is special educational provision? Special educational provision is provision that is different from or additional to that normally available to pupils or students of the same age, which is designed to help children and young people with SEN or disabilities to access the National Curriculum at school or to study at college. (DfE 2015) For example, you would include: A lunchtime club designed for pupils with social communication difficulties, who find unstructured times challenging and unmanageable. But you would not include: Lunchtime library sessions, which are open to all pupils, all of the time.
What are the benefits of using costed provision maps? Provision maps can be used for: Applications for top-up funding (EHCP or PFA) Completing annual review documentation for children who access top-up funding But what else can they be used for? To audit how well provision matches need and outcomes To ensure funding is used efficiently To highlight repetitive/ineffective use of resources (WoWW) To inform parents, carers and other professionals of how resources are being used Etc.
Evidence-based practice Wirral Services – Educational Psychology Team, ASC Team, Outreach Services, SALT, etc. Online resources Consider gaps in your provision and provide CPD for staff Always consider the ‘opportunity cost’
Early intervention and a graduated approach An ounce of prevention is worth an pound of cure – Benjamin Franklin
Take-home messages Costed Provision Maps can be utilised for much more than just applying for top-up funding. Where possible, use evidence-based practice and/or recommended provision Have a graduated approach and continually monitor and adjust provision.