Mastery in the Primary Classroom Autumn 2016 CPD Session
Aims of Session Explore depth, breadth and mastery Reflect on what this looks like in the classroom 1 min
+ Starter Activity Use the digits cards 0 – 9 to in each of the boxes below to make a correct calculation + 15 mins During Activity: Suggest differentiation for those who find a solution quickly. How many can they find? How do they know if they’ve found them all? After activity: Reflect on the different approaches, what strategies did they use? How did these strategies help?
Mastery Think, Pair, Share: What do you understand by mastery? Discuss with a partner Agree a definition for mastery in your group 10 mins Before discussion - Remind them of the starter activity. Were there aspects of that task that you think would help children to develop mastery of a concept After discussion, collect in the different responses from the groups
2 mins Show slide – this is one way of looking at the impact of having mastery. Next part of CPD is to consider how to achieve this
Depth and breadth Breadth no Depth (Surface learning) Depth no breadth (Silo learning) TOPIC TOPIC 8 mins Give out the ‘number properties’ worksheet and ask staff to have a go. Then give out the ‘definition sort’ worksheet’ and ask staff to have a go. Then ask staff to compare the worksheets (don’t worry if they are not fully completed). What is the same and what is different about the skills needed to engage in each activity? Use the slide (if helpful) to show how the first worksheet, required breadth of knowledge (because of the range of number types that you need to be familiar with) and the second worksheet required depth of knowledge because you need to understand the definition of each number type
Depth and breadth Depth and Breadth (Transferable learning) TOPIC 20 mins Give out the satisfaction boards and explain the task. Allow plenty time to explore the activity. Extend by asking how many solutions there are. Ask staff to compare this activity with the two worksheets. What is the same and what is different? Try to summarise ensuring that the following key strategies are likely to have been used during this activity Connections between the different number types Discussion and collaborative working Reasoning processes (e.g. ‘can’t have odd and even opposite each other’ or ‘the only even prime number is 2’) Problem solving strategies (e.g. testing and checking, sorting, reorganising, trial and error) Resilience and perseverance Refer back to the slide which show how the topics interconnect and understanding deepens with these connections
Misconceptions Discussion: What do you think the misconceptions around mastery are? 15 mins (you may have to vary your approach depending on the size of staff) Give out the ‘NAMA 5 mastery myths’ Assign the different myths equally for individuals or groups to read Ask each individual or group to feedback to the rest on the key points from the myth that they have read. Ask all to read the conclusion and take any feedback
The Mystery of Mastery? 1 min Mention its about Giza not Pisa!! Good strong foundations; broad base of deep understanding NOT racing too far too fast and too high, so that the base is unstable and needs constant intervention – haven’t you heard this before??
The same, but different? ‘children in each class should, as far as possible work together through the year’s programme……, so that all children participate…’ ‘the expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace’ 1 min Top one is from National Numeracy Framework 1999 the missing words are ‘as outlined in the framework’ Bottom is from NC 2014 and also quoted in Ofsted Handbook para 55
Is Mastery just good teaching and learning? Reflection Do you think you are teaching for mastery? What would make the biggest difference for your learners? 15 mins Give a couple of minutes for general discussion Give out the diamond nine cards. Ask staff to rank them Ask staff to decide on a priority for their own practice. Collect in priorities for your own records (if helpful) and to identify any whole school needs