Mental/Emotional Anxiety Disorders GAD, OCD, Social Phobia,PTSD,Panic Attack
Sources of Help Parents/Family Members Therapist School Nurse Priest, Minister, Rabbi, or Clergy Member Teach/Coach/School Counselor Teen Hotlines
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Always worried about things- even when no signs of trouble Frequent aches and pains which can’t be traced to physical illness Get’s tired easily yet has trouble sleeping Constant body tension TREATMENT: Medication and Psychotherapy
Social Phobia Fear of embarrassment Fear of meeting new people – stops hanging out with friends Breaks out in a sweat and shakes uncontrollably when other people are looking at them Stays home from school – fear of being called upon in class Does not like large crowds TREATMENT: Medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy
OCD Afraid of germs – washes hands repeatedly Does behavior over & over – usually a certain number of times Obsessed with a repeated behavior TREATMENT: Medication & Behavioral Therapy
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Nightmares about a traumatic event (i.e. accident) Flashbacks Avoids places which remind him/her of an accident Feels like they can’t trust anyone
Panic Attack or Disorder Out of the blue heart starts pounding Feels dizzy Can’t Breathe Repetitive symptoms TREATMENT: Medication & Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
BiPolar Disorder Moods vary from extreme happiness to depression. Manic Depression Brain Chemicals fluctuate abnormally Hereditary, but can also be caused by traumatic event or Drug Use (60%) Lithium & Therapy
Gallery Crawl Date Knight #2 Choose a Mental/Emotional Disorder Research Information on the Disorder - What is the Disorder? Who does it affect? Causes/Effects of the Disorder Signs/Symptoms Treatments Be Creative with Pictures AND Presenting Information Must use Color and Pictures At least5 Works Cited
Mental Illnesses ADHD General Anxiety Disorder Autism/Asperger’s Spectrum Disorders Bi-Polar Panic Attack Social Phobia Depression Eating Disorders OCD PTSD Schizophenia