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Presentation transcript:

The 1st International Open Science Conference The Vibraimage World THE HISTORY AND FUTURE OF VIBRAIMAGE TECHNOLOGY Dear Colleagues. I am pleased to welcome you to the opening of the English day on the first international science vibraimage conference and to present the report about the history of vibraimage technology. Viktor Minkin Elsys Corp, Russia, Saint Petersburg

Physiology of activity Movement is fulfillment of what exists potentially. (Physics III, 335 BC) Aristotle Every reaction of brain activity could be characterized as muscular movement. (Reflexes of the brain, 1863) Ivan Sechenov Reflex movements associated with emotions. (The expression of the emotions in man and animals, 1872) Charles Darwin A person does not have random movements. (The Interpretation of Dreams, 1899) Sigmund Freud The main processes in physiology are excitation and inhibition. (Nobel Prize speech, 1904) Ivan Pavlov In the beginning, I want to stop on the fact that almost all the great scientists of the past, who have been engaged in what we now call psychophysiology, have based the theory of vibraimage technology. I will begin with the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, who was the first thinker to create a comprehensive system of philosophy, politics, logic, and physics. He argued that life is a movement, and hence the description of the movement can characterize the state of life. The great Russian physiologist Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov was the first scientist who described the direct connection between brain activity and muscle movement in his work "Reflexes of the brain", which opened objective psychophysiology and was published in St. Petersburg about 150 years ago. Approximately at the same time, but a little later, as a continuation of the development of the evolution theory, Charles Darwin, one of the most famous scientists in the world, published the work "On expressing emotions in humans and animals." He focused on the classification of facial expressions and their evolutionary reasons. Two these works and two different approaches to the person from Sechenov and Darwin determine the development of psychophysiology in the last 150 years, and only the vibraimage technology unites them in a single solution. I think that everyone knows the statement of the most famous psychologist in the world of Sigmund Freud that a person does not have random words. But Freud also argued that a person does not have random movements, so thoughts and movements are linked. The first Russian Nobel laureate Ivan Pavlov, the creator of the science of higher nervous activity and the practical researcher of physiological reflexes, paid special attention to the speed of physiological processes, as the most important information about the physiological state of a person or an animal.

Physiology of activity An introvert and an extrovert differ in the direction of the energy distribution (Psychological types, 1921) Carl Jung Human movements are discrete in time, as they are corrected by feedback. (Biomechanics research, 1935) Nikolai Bernstein Psychophysiological processes are associated with the exchange of energy and information within or between physiological systems of a person. (Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, 1948) Norbert Wiener Amplitude and intensity of reflex movements characterized aggression. (On Aggression, 1966) Konrad Lorenz Every intention is linked by a muscle settings (Myokinetic psychodiagnostics, 1954) Mira y López All people have not one intelligence, but having a number of autonomous intelligences (Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, 1983) Howard Gardner Researchers of the past differed by high observation, since in the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century most of the research was carried out with the help of visual observations, and the measuring equipment in its modern sense simply did not exist. So was the founder of analytical psychology Сarl Jung, who not only introduced the fundamental characterization of man in terms of extraversion, but also suggested that the extravert state differs from the introvert by the direction of the energy distribution. It seems that, this hypothesis is not related to the physiology of movements, but vibraimage technology experimentally confirmed this assumption. It is not random that the founder of a new direction in science - the physiology of activity was the Soviet physiologist Nikolai Bernstein, who in 1947 received the Stalin Prize for the series of works on biodynamics. About 100 years ago, Bernstein published an extensive work "General Biomechanics" and developed a method of cyclography using a movie camera, which allowed to record in detail all the phases of the movement. To develop the vibraimage, he did not have only webcam and computer, although Bernstein used all possibilities of technology of that time. One of the most famous scientific books of the past century was the work of cybernetics founder Norbert Wiener - Cybernetics, or Control and communication in the animal and the machine. It outlined information-energy approaches existing in nature. And if the cybernetic principles stated by Wiener are successfully developing in technical solutions, the same principles described by Wiener for living organisms are not given due attention. Almost all of the previous studies of great scientists have more theoretical nature, although Nikolai Bernstein tried to use this knowledge to improve work efficiency and in sport. The more important is the practical myokinetic technique developed by the Spanish-Brazilian psychologist Mira-I-Lopez, which makes it possible to calculate the regularity of hand movements and establishing a connection between these movements and the psychological state of the tested person. Conrad Lorenz - the founder of animal behavior science and the Nobel laureate of 1973, also believed that the methods for assessing the emotions of animals and humans are identical. The only scientist (from said list) who lives today (God gives him health and success) is American professor Howard Gardner, the developer of the theory of multiple intelligence. Despite the fact that Gardner never engaged in physiology of movements, I allowed myself to include him in the list of citates for a number of reasons. Firstly (and this may be enough), his theory fits well with Wiener's information-energy approach, only more focused on the processes of decision-making by a person. Secondly, the main reproaches of the opponents of Multiple Intelligences Theory consisted in the absence of practical confirmation of Gardner's theory, and the vibraimage confirms the theory of multiple intelligences in practice. Therefore, I believe that the indirect connection between the theory of multiple intelligence and physiology of motion is also one of the basis for the practical applications of vibraimage technology. All said scientests created the theoretical base of vibraimage technology. It was necessary to develop several technical and science solutions for realization of vibraimage on practice.

First vibraimages, 1997 year Unfortunately, I did not know this information 20 years ago and the discovery of the vibraimage technology was relatively randomly. Although if Freud had investigated the origin of discoveries, he certainly said that, there are no accidental invention. When developing the 3d-pulse technology in 1997, ELSYS compiled a relatively simple program that visualized the intensity of pulsations in each pixel of a photosensitive CCD used to generate pulse waves in the fingerprint system. Since the photosensitive matrix worked in the standard television mode, it was simple to use it with a standard television camera. The solution to switch the program to an ordinary television camera appeared when I saw that pulsations or blood movements in the finger can be accumulated and observed in the form of an image. Then for a long 3 years we observed these images as funny toys, until experience accumulated and appears the suggestions that the color of the resulting image depends on the emotional and psychophysiological state of the observed object. Since by that time I had a significant experience in biometrics, first in fingerprinting and photonics, I tried to find a time and write the first patent for a new technology.   Different variants of scale and aura or external vibraimage

Vibraimage technology. RU 2187904, US7346227 The first patent for the Vibraimage was written in 2000 year, it was called the method and device for image transformation. The term vibraimage was proposed by me two years later in the article "Biometrics. From the person identification to the identification of minds. “ This term reflects quite well the essence of the new technology, for which it was necessary to invent a new name. The first patent determined the main algorithms for calculating the amplitude and frequency vibraimage, based on the accumulation of the frame difference. At the beginning of the development of vibraimage technology, the main areas of its use were not fully understood, since the resulting vibraimage could be used both for characterizing technical objects, and for animals and humans. Further development has shown that the main applications of technology are related to the analysis of the psychophysiological and emotional state of a person. The principle of operation and the algorithm for vibraimage processing

Vibraimage technology. RU 2289310 The second patent on technology was called The method of obtaining information about the psychophysiological state of a living object and was written after 4 years from the 1st patent. Again, it took me a long time to understand that using only the original vibraimage is difficult to characterize the psychophysiological state of a person. One of the advantages of vibraimage technology is the huge amount of biometric information received from the object of research, virtually every vibraimage pixel carries independent information about the person's psychophysiological state. However, such an abundance of information creates certain problems for its analysis, especially for visual analysis. In order to simplify the processing of the vibraimage and make it possible to do by visual analysis, it was necessary to offer a new technical solution. It seems that it is quite informative to use the outer contour of the vibraimage, similar to an aura of a person. The proposed vibra-aura is located around an object performs periodic or stochastic movements, the size of each aura line reflects the average amplitude of one half of the vibraimage, and the color of the aura reflects the maximum frequency for pixels of one half of the vibraimage line. The patented principle of vibraimage informative compression made it possible to visually evaluate the changes in the psychophysiological state of the tested person. Visual algorithms of psychophysiological analysis by vibraimage technology

Vibraimage technology. RU2510238, KR10-1500888 The principle developed in the second patent allowed the operator to visually detect changes in a person's psycho-physiological state. However, with the accumulation of the experience of visual analysis, it became possible and necessary to move on to a more objective algorithmic analysis of the psychophysiological state of the tested person. Experience in converting visual analysis was implemented in the third patent in the form of formulas for calculating the states of aggression, anxiety and stress chosen by the author as emotional parameters that correctly identify a potentially dangerous or suspicious person. Also in this patent were proposed formulas for calculating of lie detection and compatibility of two people. The next applications of vibraimage systems confirmed the correctness of the formulas developed in the 3rd patent and approaches to measuring emotional states. Later the number of basic emotional and psychophysiological parameters of a person was brought to 10. For emotion classification of a person, the parameters are divided into conditional groups, positive emotional parameters, negative and physiological ones. The conditional nature of groups is that really a person does not have negative emotional states. As Konrad Lorenz rightly noted, aggression is a natural characteristic necessary for the evolution of a biological species. Therefore, it is correct to speak only of conditional statistical norms for emotional states and psychophysiological parameters that are applicable in certain conditions. Algorithms and formulas for psychophysiological analysis by vibraimage

Vibraimage technology. RU 2515149 The next fourth vibraimage patent proved the possibility of vibraimage medical applications on the example of oncological diagnostics of prostate cancer. The authors concluded that to increase the accuracy of diagnostics, it is necessary to move to variability, since the variability of vibraimage parameter (ratio of RMS to mathematical expectation) is more informative reflecting the state of a person than expected value of the parameter. The obtained conclusions were made on the basis of the next step of the vibraimage understanding and the relationship between the open vestibular-emotional reflex and the parameters of human head vibraimage. The developed approach of diseases diagnostics is not limited to this disease, it can be used to detect any pathological states. It should be noted that the diseases diagnostics using vibraimage technology requires considerable research and we are interested in partnership for the development of medical applications of the vibraimage technology. Diagnosis of diseases and health by vibraimage

Vibraimage technology. RU 2629247, KR10-2017-7026335 The fifth patent is devoted to the development of mobile applications based on the vibraimage technology. One of the main principles of vibraimage is the fixed placement of a television camera in space. This principle is difficult to apply to mobile phones and other mobile devices that are constantly in the hands, moving in space. Of course, it is possible to use mechanical fixators for mobiles, but such limitations are not liked by users. Therefore, we used the microelectromechanical sensors of a mobile itself to synchronize the user's vibration data, with the data obtained with the camera of mobile and the technology of the vibraimage. Experiments once again showed the reliability of the vibraimage, as the data of the movement parameters received from the camera, almost coincided with the MEMS data of mobiles. I hope that the obtained results allows to develop Vibraimage mobile applications, as the power of telephone processors is constantly going up and soon they will not yield to computer processors in performance. After this problem will be eliminated, mobile apps will be actual as vibraimage requires high processor power for implementing used algorithms. Application of vibraimage technology for mobile devices

Vibraimage technology. RU2017109920, PCT/RU2017/000964   The latest patent for vibraimage technology filed in past year is based on the use of cybernetic principles developed by Bernstein and Wiener for assessing a person's psychophysiological state. The founders of cybernetics predicted that the basis of the functioning of any living system is information-energy exchange between and within different physiological systems. If the expended energy of a person is relatively simple for estimation and there are various known methods for measurement of consumed energy a person, then with information exchange, everything is much more complicated and there were no methods for estimating it until the appearance of the vibraimage. However, the information superiority of vibraimage technology over other technologies of obtaining psychophysiological information allowed the author to develop the method for estimating not only the energy expended by person, but also monitoring its information exchange. The approach proposed by the author makes possible to apply the theoretical principles of cybernetics to practices for determining changes in a person's psychophysiological state and to control the information and energy component of a person's psychophysiological state.   Information-energy approach to measuring psychophysiological parameters using vibraimage technology

SOCHI OLYMPIC GAMES SECURITY TOGETHER WITH VIBRAIMAGE Received over the past 20 years, scientific results of vibraimage technology have found their practical application in various fields and, above all, in the developments of security systems. The vibraimage system was successfully used at Sochi Olympics Games to identify potentially dangerous or suspicious visitors.  

Violate => Worry => Captured Sochi Conclusions 2 700 000 visitors passed control. 120 000 visitors in day during peak loading. Maximum load is 1200 people in day on 1 workplace. Person checking and decision making time: 5-10 seconds. 5-15 capturing per day in 1 place of control. Violate => Worry => Captured By technical parameters, today, the vibraimage system outperforms all known world analogues. In addition, the vibraimage system is safe and friendly to a user, for supervised people, its operation does not differ from the work of video surveillance systems. At present, video cameras are installed everywhere, so people are not changing their thoughts and behavior when they see the camera. Thus, the system of vibraimage is the most effective means of combating terrorists and various criminals. © Elsys

Sochi Conclusions 92% of the persons captured by VibraImage system have violations in case of repeated control (from them 76% - the forbidden objects, 12% - incorrectly processed documents, 8% - abnormal behavior, 4% - another) were revealed. Error probability (false rejection rate, FRR) has not exceeded 8%. Error probability (false acceptance rate, FAR) =0%! Price of one person checking by VibraImage system– 0,6 $ (HSW). Like any biometric system, the vibraimage system has some error probabilities during operation. Only the technically illiterate specialist can declare the error-free operation of any system. However, according to independent estimation made in the Police Ministry of Russia, following the results of the Sochi Olympics, the accuracy of the vibraimage system also exceeds the accuracy of analogues in the world.   © Elsys

Vibraimage processing structure The structure of the vibraimage system is shown on this slide. Its understanding it is necessary for each user providing installation or operation with the vibraimage system. The presence of many feedbacks between the elements of the system indicates that changing any of the factors on the diagram, seem insignificant to the user, can lead to a significant changes in the system parameters and distortion of the results. Therefore, when operating with the vibraimage system, you need follow the instructions given in the Manual for the corresponding system. Modules feedback

Vibraimage challenges Low noise digital cameras Stable and uniform illumination Low level external mechanical vibration of camera Law indetermination High sensitivity for external movement in frame Detail Manuals on Vibraimage technology does not set the task - to work miracles. Although Arthur Clarke's third law states that: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic!” For successful work with vibraimage systems, you must strictly follow the simple rules listed in the description. You need to read the whole Manual of the system and understand everything read. ELSYS Company conducts several training courses for users of vibraimage systems. Depending on the qualifications of users from the primary training course to the extended and highly specialized for professionals.

Vibraimage advantages Contactless and remote emotion&lie detection Real time analysis and alarm signal Video recorded information analysis Standard video devices and computers requested Open or hidden object control Friendly technology for users Currently, the vibraimage system is the most famous mass technology used to measure psychophysiological parameters of a person. It advantages over other technologies are based on the matrix information processing method and high informativity of the vestibular-emotional reflex in comparison with the other physiological signals or principles of a person analysis.

Emotions ID biometric market growing applications VI application fields Emotions ID biometric market growing applications The advantages of vibraimage technology over the other technologies of psychophysiological detection allows using it in various application fields. Practically, the vibraimage technology can be successfully used in any field of application, since in combination with synchronous presentation of various stimuli, it is possible to determine the conscious and unconscious response of a person to the presented stimulus. This principle of analysis was developed in assessing the abilities and profile of multiple intelligences and is used for optimization of human resources.

Results Vibraimage technology -20 years of developments Thousands vibraimage sytems are operating all the world Vibraimage partners in Korea, Japan, China, US, Italy, Canada, Australia, Israel, India etc. Positive references from Russian Police, Russian Science Academy, Aviation Security Airports. Russian, US and Korean patent protection for vibraimage method, device and system. More than 1000 international publications after Sochi Olymic Games Registered trade mark. High attendance company site Over the past 20 years, the technology of vibraimage has made a big step forward from unknown toy, to the most well-known in the world technology of psychophysiological detection, which some are trying to portray as a technology of worldwide surveillance. The task of the scientist is to make his discovery, development or invention useful people, I hope that the technology of vibraimage will help make the world better. I do not agree with those who try to present the most urgent task of modern science such problems as Space Development or the Development of Artificial Intelligence. In my understanding, the most urgent scientific task at all times is the study links between conscious and unconscious processes inside person. Unfortunately, the modern science knows a little what happens inside a person. I hope that the technology of vibraimage allows learning more.

Thanks for the attention! Viktor Minkin CEO Elsys Corp e-mail: I thank all colleagues taking part in the first international open science conference on the technology of vibraimage and I wish you great scientific and practical success! I am sure that our new developments using vibraimage technology will make life more safer, lasting and happy!