We want to be a Rights Respecting School! Welcome to Assembly! We want to be a Rights Respecting School!
We are on a journey! What can you remember?
Rights are for ALL children The ABCDE of Rights Rights are for ALL children universal
Rights are there at BIRTH The ABCDE of Rights Rights are there at BIRTH inherent
Rights CANNOT be taken away The ABCDE of Rights Rights CANNOT be taken away inalienable
Rights DO NOT have to be earned The ABCDE of Rights Rights DO NOT have to be earned unconditional
All Rights are EQUALLY important The ABCDE of Rights All Rights are EQUALLY important indivisible
So what do we need to do at SMPS to get our Silver and Gold Award? The ABCDE of Rights So what do we need to do at SMPS to get our Silver and Gold Award?
What do we need to do at SMPS? Everybody knows that children’s rights are important and are at the heart of everything we do at school Everybody works together to make sure everyone is getting their rights We know that all children have rights- we are agents of change
What does that look like? We all work together to create a Class Charter We talk about Rights and we all know lots of the Articles We make sure the way we behave does not stop other children enjoying their rights We make a School Charter We have a school logo Being a Rights Respecting School is part of SMPS
Class Charters What Articles did you use? How did you decide? How are you going to display your Charter?
School Charter What Articles do you think we should use? How should people behave in a Rights Respecting School?
Article of the Month Article 28 You have the right to a good quality education.
What does a good logo need? RRS Logo competition What does a good logo need?