ICT Skills for Life Embedding ICT SfL within Literacy and Numeracy
ICT Skills for Life Project Mapping of ICT SfL and Literacy/Numeracy Development of learning materials to assist in the delivery of ICT within Literacy/Numeracy Regional dissemination workshops (Jan – March 2008) ICT SfL Website www.ictsfl.org.uk There is considerable interest in embedding ICT with other skills for life subjects in order to assist learners to achieve both standards (i.e. ICT with literacy and ICT with numeracy). ICT is a powerful motivator for many hard to reach learners so that linking the subjects will encourage many learners to participate. A key factor in embedding ICT and other Skills for Life is the need to map them against each other. This is a challenging task for many teachers in that it involves amongst other skills a high degree of understanding of both subjects. The second major factor is taking the mapping outcomes and developing learning activities and content to enable learners to gain both sets of skills and understanding. This project will build on mapping of the standards undertaken as part of the ICT Skill for Life Pathfinder Project, Microsoft and the emerging mapping of the ITQ to produce: § learning materials to assist the delivery of ICT and literacy; and ICT and numeracy so that learners will be able to develop both sets of skills § an awareness raising programme of ICT Skills for Life linked to disseminating the outcomes of the mapping and learning materials development § an investigation into current practice to assist materials dissemination (e.g. m-learning and specific hard to reach groups)
Learning Materials Literacy and numeracy Levels: Entry 1 – Level 2 Tutor guidance and activity Designed to be repurposed Reviewed for accessibility Considered for use within ESOL Considered for use within m-learning Available from March 2008
The ICT SfL Standards Entry 1 Theme 1 Using ICT Systems Theme 2 Finding and exchanging information Theme 3 Developing and presenting information Topics 1. Interact with ICT for a purpose 2. Follow recommended safe practices 3. Recognise sources of information 4. Get information from an ICT based source 5. Receive ICT Based communication 6. Enter and edit simple information 7. Submit information to achieve a purpose Theme 1 Using ICT Systems Theme 2 Finding and exchanging information Theme 3 Developing and presenting information Topics
ICT Skills For Life barbara.nance@niace.org.uk sally.betts@niace.org.uk