Payroll Staff EMIS Reporting June 2018 Welcome Introductions
Global View EMIS (Educational Management Information System) Tool for gathering data Basis for distribution of funds to districts Components: Student & Staff Tool for comparing effectiveness of district to other districts Tool for informing public about each district (District and building report cards) Screen
Team Effort Entire district is responsible for the accuracy in EMIS reporting… Global View is very important to remember Public is looking at your district Districts are being compared Funding is at stake Needs to be the most ACCURATE representation possible of YOUR district Screen
Effects on Payroll Personnel Paychecks can be created without all the EMIS information in, but eventually all Staff EMIS information must be reported FROM the payroll file……how does info get into the file? Lack of EMIS input/information on employees at time of hire is no longer a good option for the district – EMIS Reporting becomes inaccurate since ODE has gone to a “rolling period reporting” Screen Focusing on source USPS payroll data
Items to consider Communication of ALL district personnel is key DO not make assumptions on personnel Replacement of personnel has same info as previous employee ASK questions and seek clarification The importance of the Staff information – needs a plan/procedure Incorporate any viable tools available Keep your superiors informed of missing data EMIS manual Chapter 3 in your possession Screen
Student Data & Staff Data (an unlikely couple) Staff data initially evaluated on its own merit 2nd Validation is against student records Certification to teach class assigned Assignment area in alignment with position Communication is the Key Screen
Have a Plan for ACCURATE Information Form to gather info – what’s your process?
ODE EMIS Resources ODE EMIS Manual Staff Records EMIS Data Collection Calendar for 2017-2018 Click on links to and review with handouts – reporting rules and timelines Emis staff manual – we will highlight some reminders on the next slides, but it’s important to read the manual and communicate with your district staff information Timelines for 2017-18 versus 18-19 discussion.
Configuring Staff Data Staff Demographics Staff Employment One record for each job Contractor Staff Employment Record One for each job per entity assigned Course Master Staff Course Record Screen
Staff Tips Key is Staff ID All staff employed by the district State Staff ID from certificate (does not change by district) Assigned Z-ID – (district specific) All staff employed by the district All staff contracted by outside agency to serve students Includes staff from non-EMIS reporting entities where students are placed Screen
Which Staff Do I Report? Individuals employed by the reporting entity If this individual leaves after last reporting period (18L) and has attendance this year– must report as a C with a separation date Individuals or companies contracted by the school district for duties normally performed by school district personnel (e.g., bus drivers, food service staff, and special education therapists) Individuals who are on leaves of absence Substitutes who become the “teacher of record” Individuals employed during the previous reporting period, who are no longer employed, including individuals who have resigned over the summer Screen
Who is Not Reported? Daily (as needed) substitutes Student employees Board of education members Adult education teachers Game officials, ticket takers Employees on an “as needed” basis – no regular schedule Volunteers serving in the district Screen
Staff Records to Report One job for each position and/or Building Teach in multiple buildings…multiple Jobs All Supplemental Contracts Contractor Staff Employment Records Staff assigned to/works in another EMIS-reporting entity – employing district reports Agency or individuals you employ that are NOT reported through the PROVIDING entity Screen
Staffing Status New Employees, code in payroll when hired for both payroll purposes and EMIS reporting. When staff changed jobs, code in payroll completely When staff leave, code in payroll when known NOTE: Staff data reporting for EMIS is a rolling timeframe, code and report what you know when you know it. Example, supplementals. Screen Talk about the new hire form again. Code what you know when you know it… people leave, change jobs, ex. Teacher becomes principal
New position If an employee changes jobs in the district and begins another job with a different position code you must enter a separation reason/date on the first position and create a new JOBSCN/POSSCN for the new position. Example: A teacher (position code 230, job number 1) has taken a principal position (position code 108) Both Jobs will be reported (dates important) Screen principal code 108 gets a year of experience after 1 year or 120 days (but now during the year)
New position – con’t Renumber job 1 (teacher) on JOBSCN to job 2 Enter a separation reason/date Status will be C and will continue to be reported to EMIS with a separation date & reason Add the principal job as job 1 Both jobs will be reported for 2018 (dates important) You do not need to create a new JOBSCN if the employee is moving to another building or will be teaching a different grade level AND stays as the same position code. (IRN will need to change IF employee changes buildings) Screen
Confusing Situations Split Positions Employee has two separate jobs Report each position code on a separate job record Employee paid on one job but either works two ‘positions’ or in multiple buildings Report each position/building on separate job record Split salary, days, hours, FTE between job records In USPS, use the EMIS Contract Info fields to report data (See additional handout) Screen
Confusing Situations (cont.) Summer Separation Employment Record USPS Treatment No attendance days in current year on any job Separation Date/Reason Position Status ‘U’ Data Collector pulls information correctly State Software creates this record ‘on the fly’. All summer separations are reported on the job record with position status ‘U’. Likelihood od someone retire nor and not have attendance days is very unlikely.
Contracted Staff Instructional Non-Instructional ESC Student Sent to Non-EMIS Reporting Entity Therapists Occupational Therapists Physical Therapists Speech Therapists Non-Instructional Bus Drivers Food Service Custodial Screen just giving someexample of contracted staff
Contracted Staff – Instructional ESC Preschool ESC Reports All Staff Records and Courses School-age ESC Reports Staff Demographics Staff Employment Contractor Staff Employment Record Resident District Course Master with ESC Staff Attached State Staff ID Provider IRN of ESC Credential ID is the link between the district’s course master and the ESC’s staff records. CJ example
Contracted Staff – Instructional Non-EMIS Reporting Entity Staff Demographic Staff Employment Position Status A or I (Contracted Agency or Individual) Course Master Therapists CC – non emis entity
Contracted Staff – Instructional EMIS Reporting Entity Contracting District Reports Nothing Contractor District Staff Demographics Staff Employment Contractor Staff Employment Record Non-EMIS Reporting Entity Contract-Only Staff Record One Record per Position Code per Contract Term CJ emis entities
Correcting Errors (cont.) Missing Staff Fatal Error on Level 1 Validation Missing Data Reported previous period with no separation date/reason and position status C Not reported this reporting period Make sure staff record is being reported If State Staff ID changed Post helpdesk for Connect to post override request Screen If ZID to credential ID – override request
Correcting Errors (cont.) Missing Staff (cont.) Reported last reporting period, not now If separation date prior to last day of last school year need staff override file submitted to data collector If after last day of school FY18 enter in separation date and reason leave job and employee Y report to EMIS No attendance this year must enter” U” as position status for fall
Correcting Errors (cont.) Level 1 Validation ‘Teacher must have at least one course master’ Coded as Position code 230/assignment area Not attached to any courses No Contractor Staff Employment Record Check Could be Special Ed position code 212 May be summer separation and needs separation date/reason Is State Staff ID same between staff and student software? EMIS folks should share the detailed reports and not just screen shots of errors, more information shared the easier to research and the better for the district data resolutions. Teacher code 230 has to have a course master
Correcting Errors (cont.) Level 1 Validations (cont.) Warnings Staff member over 70 years old Semester Hours low for position code and education level If in Title I Schoolwide Building, Paraprofessional Code is Invalid Correct, if necessary Common errors but is data accurate? Share the entire CC and CJ reports – if someone is 70 and older – is that accurate? Or is there a typo- going back to the accuracy of the info
Correcting Report Errors (cont.) Report Explanation on ODE’s Page Level 2 Validation Errors, Category 2 Explanation Level 2 Validations Contract Teacher has no Course/Prog in Contracting District CJ record pointed to your district Your district is not reporting that individual as teaching a course provided from another entity Both entities are not using the same state staff ID Link to ode’s emis page for level 2 validation errors
Additional fields for year-end Staff reporting In additional to typical payroll data fields important for staff EMIS reporting: Highly Qualified Professional Development Attendance/ Absences / Long Term Illness/ For FY18L final only: Principal years of experience will be recollected since the initial staff collection did not have complete principal year data reported statewide. Hqpd Long term illness FY18Lfinal ONLY – principal years will be recollected but FY19L initial will be the official one time collection for 18-19
Staff Updates Staff data may be updated for EMIS reporting using 3 different systems: Source: Reflections USPS Payroll system USPS Web Payroll system EMISFFE, if a district is not using USPS system Is anyone using FFE still ? Only for CJ and CC – but can use the USPS web as an option
USPS Specific Information The source of the staff data is the payroll data. As mentioned earlier, there needs to be a plan on who in the district is to manage what data for your district. It’s important to share information and communicate for the betterment of your organization. Some districts may have HR staff who update staff data fields. We are going to talk about USPS payroll systems.
Rerun until all errors are corrected. Run USPEMS>PERDET 1st Time 2nd Time Run report for Employee Reportable to EMIS=Y Exclude Supplementals = Y Check & Correct errors Run report for Employee Reportable to EMIS = N Exclude Supplementals = Y Check & Correct errors Check these lists for anyone who should not be on the list The USPS perdet report is very helpful for payroll or HR staff to generator and verify data in advance of EMIS reporting for the district. If you run it once to check employee records that are reportable to EMIS and then run it a 2nd time to verify staff who are marked no to EMIS and maybe should be. Be sure to verify who’s on the list and who’s not on the list and adjust payroll staff data according to what is true for the 17-18 school year for your district. Rerun until all errors are corrected.
USPS web Usps web screens Who is responsible for updating your district emis fields in payroll? If it’s folks who have access already, no need to worry about usps web access. However, if the district emis person is to code emis fields in the payroll system, this is a way to access those fields. Also the CJ and CC records be maintained via this system. Up to your district who accesses what fields and who is responsible for updates.
Employee Query How you find an employee using search
Employee Details Emis entry screen access
Staff Demographic Reminder that attendance fields are calculated and cannot be manually updated in uspsweb. Usps is the source files. **In Modify Mode, Read Only fields will display, but cannot be changed.
EMIS Entry Screen Reminders on what screens affect what areas in usps web/emis entry
Reports USPS Reports USPS Perdet Report Data Collector Reports Reminders for FY19 USPS reports for data verification: ABS101, LNGSCK longsick USPS perdet report for emis field verification/validation Data collector reports shared by the emis coordinators Reminders for FY19 – the yearend of FY18 is about basic staff data and attendance fields and the HQPD value. However, for FY19 in the fall for staff data reporting there is certification and hqt reports to review. Most of these reports and errors tend to land on the course side of the data, subject codes, ode certification files, students scheduled into classes, but we want to remind you that whatever data you notice as you validate your data is accurate for anytime emis reporting…that includes payroll staff and course information.
EMIS Staff Checklist – FY18 L Use a checklist whenever possible Let’s go through the checklist
Resources Connect’s Fiscal Services Documentation Links ODE EMIS Manual and related EMIS websites On our website there are links that may be a resource
Thank You! Questions? Any questions?
Contact Us Feel free to contact us at or call 216-520-6900 Ext. 5010 We have published the link because much of the data for staff is course related data reporting. This way the student team can see the tickets and questions. If the question is the payroll system, the fiscal staff will respond (CI, CK records and CJ and CC sometimes). All other questions regarding staff EMIS will most likely be related to student/course information.