1919-1920 Urban Development Post War World
Henry Ford Cars Henry Ford Assembly Line Model T Suburbs Commuters
Consumer Revolution Oil Electricity Advertising Installment Buying Stocks-Bull Market
Politics Warren G. Harding “Return to Normalcy” Growth of business Ohio Gang Teapot Dome Scandal
Calvin Coolidge Big Business “Not role of government to create an ideal nation” Silent Cal, “You Lose” “Gotta eat somewhere” Flood of 1927 Advocate of civil rights. Kellog-Braind Pact. World Court
Herbert Hoover United States Food Administration/American Relief Administration Secretary of Commerce
Calvin Coolidge U.S. wants loans paid back Very strict towards Europe Dawes Plan- US Loans to Germany for war debts.
Modernism and Fundamentalism Science or secular ideas over traditional values Strong in urban areas and cities. Basic fundamental truths based on religion. Strong in rural communities