Mapping the World’s Water HeatherLin Rowan and Courtney Rector
A. Water on Earth There is approximately 326 million trillion gallons of water on Earth 72% of Earth is covered in water About 97% of all water is in the oceans You are about 70% water
A. Water on Earth 69% of the freshwater is locked up in glaciers and icecaps Most of the remaining freshwater is ground water Only about 0.3% of freshwater is in rivers and lakes (surface water)
Water source Percent of fresh water Percent of total water Oceans, Seas, & Bays -- 96.5 Ice caps, Glaciers, & Permanent Snow 68.7 1.74 Groundwater 1.7 Fresh 30.1 0.76 Saline 0.94 Soil Moisture 0.05 0.001 Ground Ice & Permafrost 0.86 0.022 Lakes 0.013 0.26 0.007 0.006 Atmosphere 0.04 Swamp Water 0.03 0.0008 Rivers 0.0002 Biological Water 0.003 0.0001 Total - 100 One estimate of global water distribution:
B. Texas Water There are over 11,247 streams and rivers The total length of all streams and rivers combined is 191,228 miles Texas has 6,736 lakes There is more than 350 miles of coast The state has 10,196 reservoirs larger than 10 acres There is more than 6.3 million acres of freshwater wetlands There are also thousands of smaller reservoirs, private ponds, and stock tanks
C. Pack Ice and Permafrost The majority of the earth’s freshwater is locked in Polar ice caps Snow Pack ice Permafrost
D. Surface water vs Groundwater Surface water- uncommon but much more accessible , so most humans rely on lakes and rivers for their water needs Groundwater- cleaner due to the filtering effects of soil.
E. Potable Water Water clean enough for people to drink regularly without becoming ill Due to geography and contamination with salt, human and animal waste, or other chemicals, water scarcity is one of the largest problems facing developing nations. Gray water is water that is clean enough to be recycled for some uses, but not drinking. UN Millenium Goal: Halve the number of people without access to clean water by 2015 2005-2015 International Decade of Water
TRUE OR FALSE? About 50% of the earth is covered in water. Almost all of the earth’s water is found in the ocean. Most fresh water is found underground. Surface water is cleaner and more accessible than groundwater. Almost half of the world’s population has no access to clean water and sanitation.