ASDWA Webinar: State Efforts to Assess and Address 1,4-Dioxane through Drinking Water, Ground Water, and Clean Water Programs Deirdre Mason Association of State Drinking Water Administrators June 5, 2018
ASDWA Members Drinking Water Program Administrators: 50 states, territories, the Navajo Nation, and the District of Columbia Public Water Systems Regulate Technical assistance Funding – DWSRF, set-asides Multiple Partners Coordinate to prioritize and support source water protection
Purpose of Webinar To share information about state efforts to assess and address 1,4-dioxane, an unregulated contaminant that is causing states and water utilities to become increasingly concerned about potential health impacts from elevated levels of 1,4-dioxane in both groundwater and surface water drinking water sources. To build on the efforts of ASDWA, ACWA, GWPC, and EPA to share and promote Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act (CWA-SDWA) coordination activities across state and EPA water programs.
Today’s Presenters Brandon Kernen Rebecca Sadosky New Hampshire North Carolina
After the Webinar Please note that a video recording of today’s webinar will be made available for viewing on ASDWA’s web site within the next few days at
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Contact Deirdre Mason Brandon Kernen Rebecca Sadosky ASDWA website VIEW THE WEBINAR RECORDING & more
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