Brownwood Offensive Philosophy Power Option Run Offense Formation Offense Pass Offense
Lou Holtz’s Offensive Philosophy “To be a solid offensive team you have got to be able to do 5 things well: power run, run some option, play action, throw down the field out of the pocket, and execute screens and draws. My philosophy is to put pressure on the defense by forcing them to defend all these things.”
Brownwood’s Multiple Offense and its keys to success: Be creative with formations in all aspects of the offense. Use movement to change strength and create better blocking angles. Force the defense to play option responsibility, respect the power game, and defend the pass on any given play. Being multiple allows our offense several avenues of success in the course of a ball game. Distribute the ball to several players. Be unpredictable!
Brownwood Lion Multiple Run Offense Veer, Mid-line, Speed Option, G-Option, Pitch Counter Zone Sweep, Iso Fly
Multiple in the Option Game vs. Split & 4-3 Defenses 12-13 Veer (Triple Option) 10-11 Read (Mid-Line) 18-19 Option (Strong Side Speed Option) 18-19 G-Option (Weak Side Option) 18-19 Pitch (Pitch off end man on LOS)
Multiple in the Option Game vs. 3-4 or 50 Defense 12-13 Zone (Triple Option w/ Zone Blocking) Influence 12-13 Veer (Mid-Line Concept) 18-19 Pitch (Pitch off end man of LOS w/ Zone Blocking)
Multiple in the Option Game vs. Split & 4-3 Defenses 12-13 Veer (Triple Option) 10-11 Read (Mid-Line) 18-19 Option (Strong Side Speed Option) 18-19 G-Option (Weak Side Option) 18-19 Pitch (Pitch off end man on LOS)
12-13 Veer
(Y Bone) 12 Veer Check vs. Split F C B B B B C E T T E
(Y Bone) 12 Veer Check F C B B B B C E T T E
(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check vs. Split B B B B C E T T E
(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check B B B B C E T T E
(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check B B B B C E T T E
(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check B B B B C E T T E
(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check vs. 4-3 B B B E T T E
(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check B B B E T T E
(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 12 Veer Check B B B E T T E
(Y Blue ‘Sky’) 13 Veer Check vs. Split F C B B B C B E T T E
(Y Blue ‘Sky’) 13 Veer Check vs. Split F C B B B C B E T T E
(Y Blue ‘Sky’) 13 Veer Check F C B B B B C E T T E
10-11 Read
(Y Bone Dog ‘Rock’) 10 Read vs. Split F C B B B B C E T T E
(Y Bone Dog ‘Rock’) 10 Read vs. Split F C B B B B C E T T E
(Y Bone Dog ‘Rock’) 10 Read F C B B B B C E T T E
(Y Bone Dog ‘Rock’) 10 Read F C B B B B C E T T E
(Cowboy Lt. ‘Sky’) 11 Read vs. Split F C C B B B B E T T E
(Cowboy Lt. ‘Sky’) 11 Read F C C B B B B E T T E
(Cowboy Lt. ‘Sky’) 11 Read F C C B B B B E T T E
(Swap Over) 10 Ice Read vs. Even F S C B B B C E T T E
(Swap Over) 10 Ice Read vs. Even F S C B B B C E T T E
18-19 Option
(Gun Swap Over) 18 Option vs. Even F S C B B B C E T T E
(King) 18 Option vs. Even F C B B B C S E T T E
(Gun Swap Over) 18 Option F C B B B C S E T T E
(X Lt. to Swap Lt.) 19 Option vs. Split F C B B C B B E T T E
(X Lt. to Swap Lt.) 19 Option F C B B C B B E T T E
(X Lt. to Swap Lt.) 19 Option vs. Split F C B B C B B E T T E
(Blue Lt. ‘Change’) 19 Option vs. Split F C B B C B B E T T E
(Blue Lt. ‘Change’) 19 Option vs. Split F C C B B B B E T T E
18-19 G-Option
(Y Blue) 18 G-Option vs. Split F C B B B C B E T T E
(Y Blue) 18 G-Option vs. Split F C B B B C B E T T E
(Pro) 19 G-Option vs. Even F C B B B C S E T T E
(Pro) 19 G-Option vs. Even F C B B B C S E T T E
18-19 Pitch
(Gun Deuces) 18 Pitch vs. Split F C B B C B B E T T E
24-25 (TB Counter) 14-15 (QB Counter)
The Counter Effect Most productive play in our offense. The counter has been run out of EVERY formation in the playbook. The success of the counter can dictate the play of defensive ends in our favor, for other run plays. We use the counter to offset predictability in certain formations.
Favorite Counter Formations Pro Lt. Blue 24 or 14 Check (2 TE) Gun Trey Bang 24 or 14 Gun Ace 24 or 14 Check (2 TE) Pro Hard 24 Check Gun Swap Lt. Shift ‘Fly’ 14 Gun Pro Lt. Trips ‘Fly’ 14 Cowboy Lt. 24 Toss (2 TE) Gun Pro Hard ‘Shuffle’ 14 or 24 Check
Fly Rt. / Lt.
Favorite Fly Formations Gun Swap Shift Fly Right Y Bone Shift Fly Right (AFTER SHIFT)
Power Run Offense Zone, Sweep, Iso No secrets – 11 on 11. The Inside Zone has not only added another power TB play, but has increased the continuity of our offensive lineman in other areas of our offense.
22-23 Zone
Favorite Zone Formations Ace 22 Zone Check Gun (2 TE) Pro Melvin Rt. (2 TE) Pro Soft 22 Zone Check
22-23 Iso
Favorite Iso Formations Wing Lt. Bump ‘Shuffle’ 22 Iso (2 TE) Pro ‘Shuffle’ 22 Iso Check
28-29 Sweep
(X Wing) 28 Sweep vs. Even F C C B B B S E T T E
Brownwood Passing Game
Keeping it multiple in the Passing Game Throw out of run formations. Throw on conventional run downs. Give the defense several route combinations, keep the secondary uncomfortable. Stretch the defense vertical and horizontal.
Brownwood Lion Multiple Pass Offense 90’s (3 Step) 50’s (5 Step) Play Action Screens / Shuttle
90’s (3 Step) Play Outside Receiver Inside 90 6 Step Hitch 92 5 Step Out Seam 94 4 Step Slant Flat or Seam 97 Fly 98
50’s (5 Step) 50 50 Rail 52 Square 52 Special Seam 53 54 54 Special 55 56 Switch 57 Drag 58
(Gun Deuces) 50 C F S C B B B E T T E
50 Rail
(2 TE Gun Trey Hard) 50 Rail F C C B B B B E T T E
52 Square
(Pro Lt. Blue) 52 Square C F S C B B B E T T E
52 Special Seam
(Gun Y Trips) 52 Special Seam F C C B B B B E T T E
(Y Trips Soft) 53 C F C B B B S E T T E
(Empty) 54 F C C B B B B E T T E
54 Special
(Gun Deuces) 54 Special F S C C B B B E T T E
(Gun Y Trips) 55 F C C B B B B E T T E
56 Switch
(Pro Lt. Blue) Odd 56 Switch F S C C B B B E T T E
57 Drag
(Pro Lt. Blue) 57 Drag C F S C B B B E T T E
(Gun Y Trips) 58 F C C B B B B E T T E
Play Action Blue ‘Zig’ 55 Iso Flood Wing ‘Sky’ Odd 56 Iso Flood Blue ‘Zig’ 56 Iso Flag Y Slot ‘Sky’ 25 Bootleg King 80 Special Seam
55 Iso Flood
(Blue ‘Zig’) 55 Iso Flood F C C B B B B E T T E
(Blue ‘Zig’) 55 Iso Flood F C C B B B B E T T E
56 Iso Flood
(Wing Lt. ‘Sky’) Odd 56 Iso Flood C B B B C E T T E
(Wing Lt. ‘Sky’) Odd 56 Iso Flood C C B B B E T T E
56 Iso Flag
(Blue ‘Zig’) 56 Iso Flag F C C B B B B E T T E
(Blue ‘Zig’) 56 Iso Flag F C C B B B B E T T E
24-25 Bootleg
(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 25 Bootleg C B B B B C E T T E
(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 25 Bootleg C B B B B C E T T E
(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 25 Bootleg C B B B B C E T T E
(Y Slot Left ‘Sky’) 25 Bootleg C B B B C B E T T E
82 Seam
(King) 82 Seam F C B B C B B E T T E
(King) 82 Seam F C C B B B B E T T E
Screens / Shuttle Gun Y Trips Lt. River 58 Gun Y Trips 3 Gun Deuces 58 Shuttle
River / Lake
(Gun Y Trips) Lake 58 F C C B B B B E T T E
(Gun Y Trips) 3 F C C B B B B E T T E
58 Shuttle
(Gun Deuces) 58 Shuttle F S C B C B B E T T E
Special Plays