Welcome to First Grade Please take a moment to write a note in your child’s journal before we begin.
Heather Hoskins Baraga Me in K @ St. Mark’s Education Saint Mark’s, Preschool, K, and 3rd Occidental College, BA in English Claremont Graduate University, MA in Education Credentials California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential Experience 1994-1999, West Covina Unified, K and 1st 2005-present, Saint Mark’s School
I’ve been where you are…
…and this is where you’re headed!
Ben 9th @ Prep Rob Jo 12th @ Westridge
Huck, crazy eyes Lucy, shoe chewer
More Family… Isac in K @ St. Mark’s Eli in Pre-K @ St. Mark’s Emry, St. Mark’s class of 2027
The Basics Chip Chart and Rules Earn a chip when “caught” following the rules (can’t ask for one) Chips can be taken away I will be in touch if there are issues. See the “Class Motivation System” sheet in your folder.
V.I.P. Snack Shack Students decorate board for their week May bring up to 3 non-board items Class pet comes home Friday – Thursday. Snack Shack Snacks cost 25-50 cents Let me know if you wish your child to “opt out” of my loan policy “Snowy”
Birthdays Monthly celebration, both classes Avoid excessive sweets Cakedoodle
Responsive Classroom is… An approach based on the belief that integrating academic and social-emotional skills creates an environment where students can do their best learning. A few guiding principles… Cognitive growth occurs through social interaction (which must be explicitly modeled). It’s important for students to practice cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self-control. Knowing the children we teach is as important as knowing the content we teach.
Language Arts Words Their Way Express Readers A word study program that emphasizes understanding of pattern beyond memorization using word sorts. Express Readers A phonics-based literacy program for emergent and early readers. Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System A way of targeting guided reading instruction to facilitate literacy development. Levels D – K = First Grade Writers’ Workshop Using the writing process to explore personal narrative, paragraph writing, opinion, response to literature, and report writing
My goal for the year is to move each student as far along on their individual learning journey as possible. To that end: I will group for reading and word study. The grouping will be fluid, and will be continually reevaluated based on student progress. My goal is for all students to leave first grade with confidence in themselves and their reading ability.
Math Math in Focus / Singapore Math Concrete (hands on) Pictorial (pictures, models, diagrams) Abstract (number and symbols) Primary focus this year: Addition, Subtraction, Place Value What’s a number bond?
Math Practice Touchmath is a transitional tool used to support students in their understanding of number sense used as a starting point for exploring how numbers work together. We spend significant time establishing number sense and developing the concept of ten. We use the number line, songs, concrete manipulatives, and games to reinforce this important skill. Math Binders are used to challenge students on an individual level. They can choose to work in these binders whenever they have completed an in-class math assignment.
Social Studies Areas of study this fall include All About Me, Farms, Bats, Pilgrims, and the Arctic Circle. Beginning with a tour of Europe in December, we will create passports and boarding passes and visit all seven continents this year in first grade. Please let me know if you have any first hand knowledge of specific countries!
Words From Mrs. Kim, Science Teacher I am excited about another fun year filled with scientific inquiries and investigations. Curriculum areas we will focus on this year include Solids & Liquids, Sound & Light, Plants and Animals. This year first grade students have science on Mondays and Wednesdays. Science is an academic subject here at Saint Mark’s school. In case of student absence it is important that you contact Mrs. Kim, the science teacher, through email (lizk@saint-marks.org) and make up class work if necessary. Please check Mrs. Kim’s teacher page regularly for updates on the units of study, tests, and homework. There will be one science field trip this year in May. We will be heading to the Natural History Museum and the Big Lab in California Science Center to extend our learning about bugs and insects outside the classroom. If you have any questions or concerns or if you would like to schedule a conference, or volunteer to help out, you can contact me at lizk@saint-marks.org. Thank you. Liz Kim
Homework The organizer should be sent back to school daily. Your child should be responsible for placing the organizer in the basket. Nightly language arts will focus on word study practice for Friday spell check. Math page sent on Monday is due Friday. Check over your child’s homework. Let me know if the homework is too difficult.
Word Sorts Word sorts will be assigned weekly. A pre-sorted word list will be included each week for your reference. The weekly spell check will be based on the word sort pattern that week and will include 8 – 10 words from the sort and 2 sight words. Try to sort at least once a night, using speed sorts, blind sorts, blind writing sorts, etc.
Communication & Teacher Pages Uniform Policy I can be reached by email at heatherb@saint-marks.org during school hours or heaterh@mac.com in the evenings or on weekends. I also check my voicemail throughout the day: (626) 798-8858, ext. 247 Please call the office if your child will be absent, and leave a message on my voicemail as well. If you email, please copy sallyy@saint-marks.org. Your child must be symptom free without the aid of medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
Parent Conferences Fall Parent Conferences are November 17 and 18. Look for a Sign Up Genius link soon. We will have a second round of Parent Conferences on March 16 and 17. However, I am always free to conference with you at any time, just let me know!
Here’s to a great year! Any questions?