Crash Course to School Bus Driving
How do you respect of your students? EARN
thing you can do to get respect? What is the EASIEST thing you can do to get respect?
Greet your students
Greet your students Introduce yourself to them and tell them your name
Greet your students Introduce yourself to them and tell them your name Know each students name
How do I Know Their Names? Route Rosters Ask them Listen
Greet your students Introduce yourself to them and tell them your name Know each students name Assign Seats
Greet your students Introduce yourself to them and tell them your name Know each students name Assign Seats Talk to them and get to know them
Greet your students Introduce yourself to them and tell them your name Know each students name Assign Seats Talk to them and get to know them Have fun with them!
Now how do you have fun driving a school bus?!? Birthdays Newspaper clippings Treats (If your district allows it) Sponsor student’s events Play the radio and change the station Use your imagination
Stand up when unloading your students in the morning and loading your students in the afternoon
Stand up when unloading your students in the morning and loading your students in the afternoon Besides… If you’re post-tripping your bus like DPS says, you need to stand up anyhow
Rules on Your Bus…
What are the three basic rules?
Sit Down Hands to Yourself Talk Quietly to the Person Sitting Next to You
In a study conducted by Oceanside Unified School District in California, these three basic rules will solve 90% of all your other discipline problems. WHY?
Talking to your students…
Shut Up
Alternatives to “Shut Up” “You’re way too loud” “Settle down” “The whole bus doesn’t need to hear it” “Be quiet” Hold your hand up and motion down “Shut the mouths” – LAST RESORT
These two little words go a lot farther than yelling and screaming! A Little Tip… PLEASE & THANK YOU These two little words go a lot farther than yelling and screaming!
Using Progression… Example: Sitting Down
Using Progression… 1 2 3 Directive Demeanor Have a seat, please Friendly 2 You need to sit down Friendly, but firm 3 Sit down! Firm
Save your voice, use your hands
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander Follow through
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander Follow through Don’t make threats you can’t guarantee
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander Follow through Don’t make threats you can’t guarantee Treat your students as you would like to be treated by anyone else
When Problems Happen
Don’t let the students get the best of you!!!
Don’t let students get the best of you Stay calm and talk to them. Yelling will only make you look as foolish as they do
Don’t let students get the best of you Stay calm and talk to them. Yelling will only make you look as foolish as they do If possible, talk to students privately after a route or just outside the door
Praise your students whenever you get a chance good behavior!
If you see parents out and about, compliment their child’s behavior.
Majors versus Minors
MINOR OFFENSES Failure to remain seated Unacceptable language Littering Improper boarding or departing procedures Crossing behind the bus Continuously late to bus stop Noisy or annoying conduct Rude or discourteous behavior
MINOR OFFENSES Verbal warning Assign to a different seat Assigned to “Angel Seat” Contact parent
MAJOR OFFENSES Refusing to obey driver or present ID Fighting, tripping, pushing Harassment, threat, or intimidation Hanging out of window Throwing objects in or from bus Destroying / vandalizing property Spitting Weapons and dangerous items on bus Consuming alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs Lighting matches or lighters
You’ve done everything you can do…
But it’s time to write a conduct report…
Do not put your emotions into a Misconduct Report.
Do not put your emotions into a Misconduct Report Document… Not comment
Do not put your emotions into a Misconduct Report Document… Not comment Grammar and spelling errors-if you need assistance don’t be afraid to ask.
Do not put your emotions into a Misconduct Report Document… Not comment Grammar and spelling errors-if you need assistance don’t be afraid to ask Do not use another student’s name on a Misconduct Report
Situation: Mikey called Scott a dork so Scott punched Mikey in the face. How do you write this up?
DEFINITELY NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!! Mikey's Report: Mikey called Scott a dork so Scott punched Mikey in the face. But Mikey is a little jerk on the bus anyhow, so he finally got what was coming to him! DEFINITELY NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!!
MUCH BETTER!!!! Mikey's Report: Mikey called another student a dork so the student punched Mikey in the face. MUCH BETTER!!!!
A Misconduct Report is confidential information. NEVER use more than one name on a report… No exceptions!!! Use the phrase “another student” instead
What is the #1 misspelled word on Misconduct Reports?
Isle & Aisle Which is correct?
Appearance says it all…
Your personal appearance says who you are! You are a professional; dress appropriately for your position
Your personal appearance says who you are! You are a professional; dress appropriately for your position Avoid sweat pants; baggy-oversized clothing, bare tummy, spaghetti strap tops, etc.
The appearance of your bus sets the tone of your bus
The appearance of your bus sets the tone of your bus TRASH The appearance of your bus sets the tone of your bus
The appearance of your bus sets the tone of your bus… Sweep your bus, empty the trash, and dust the dash daily Clean your windows and seats weekly Mop the floor monthly (more often if needed) Clean graffiti and repair vandalism immediately
In Conclusion… You are not just a “Bus Driver”
You’re a Student Transporter!
The Title says it all… Student Transporter Strives to make sure that your child is safe, comfortable, and has an enjoyable ride to and from school each day. They are trained in all aspects of their position which not only includes safely operating their bus, but student management, health concerns and disabilities.
Student Transporter Oath The Student Transporter Oath
What have we learned today? Movie Time! What have we learned today?