Adult Immunization: Flu Link & The WV Sliver Haired Legislature Crystal Welch, RN Health Center Administrator Valley Health Systems, Inc. Huntington, WV Shanen Wright Communications Manager West Virginia Medical Institute Charleston, WV
The Coalition Founded 1997 Immunizations across the lifespan Governed by elected board Two activities covered today: Flu Link The Silver Haired Legislature
Flu Link Organizational Chart Community Groups Senior Centers Churches Media Billboards Television Radio Newspapers Flu Link 1-877 # Web Site Fax Updates Providers Public Health Hospitals Doctors Businesses Shot Talk Participants
Flu Link 1-877-WV-SHOTS Flu Fax PDF File delivered via fax/email/web Updates clinics in each county weekly Delivered to media in 3 counties Delivered to partners in 3 counties
Challenges/Successes Pilot project Flu vaccine shortage wrecked havoc on the system in week 2 Clinics bombarded with visitors October: 246 calls November: 107 calls December: 42 calls
Silver Haired Legislature 21st year of existence 134 representatives 60 years of age or older Elected biennially from throughout the state by their peers Patterned after the WV Legislature Follows the rules that govern its proceedings
Silver Haired Legislature 27 states including: West Virginia Florida Kansas Alabama Some groups meet once a year in Washington, DC with national Silver Haired Congress
Planning & Implementation Securing spokesperson (examples) Secretary of State Agriculture Commissioner Bureau of Senior Services Commissioner Coordinating participating agencies County Health Departments Nursing support Securing flu/pneumonia vaccine
Planning & Implementation Media Relations Sent a photo and individualized press release legislators’ hometown papers Press release provided phone number of county health department Overwhelming positive response
The Event
The Event
The Event
Lessons Learned Planning Proper clothing Fire drills Prepare your participants Fire drills Be ready for unexpected problems
Lessons Learned Media relations Vaccine supply shortage Localization Flexibility Persistence Vaccine supply shortage Adaptation of campaign
Contact Information West Virginia Immunization Network Crystal Welch 304-525-3334 ext. 111 Shanen Wright 800-642-8686 ext. 2278