Performance Task: English III, WCPSS 2015 Tuesday, December 1, 2015: Part 2 Make sure your first and last name are neatly written on your paper. The back of your Human Rights Abuse Map is blank. On the back of this sheet you will record your responses for four different photos that show real examples of abuse around the world. There is enough room on the back to respond to each photo. You must write a complete sentence using your inference/observation skills. You also need to give (cite) at least TWO Articles within The Universal Declaration of Human Rights that are being violated. Your answer might look like this: This picture shows humans being held hostage in a cell without food or water. The actions in this photo violate articles 3, 15, and 25.
Picture #1 Performance Task What is going on in this picture? How are human rights being violated here? Make sure you cite visual evidence from the picture and name at least one Article from The Universal Declaration of Human Rights that talks about this.
Picture #2 What is going on in this picture? How are human rights being violated here? Make sure you cite visual evidence from the picture and name at least one Article from The Universal Declaration of Human Rights that talks about this.
Picture #3 What is going on in this picture? How are human rights being violated here? Make sure you cite visual evidence from the picture and name at least one Article from The Universal Declaration of Human Rights that talks about this.
Picture #4 What is going on in this picture? How are human rights being violated here? Make sure you cite visual evidence from the picture and name at least one Article from The Universal Declaration of Human Rights that talks about this.
Human Rights Abuse Map Next, you’re going to do a little brainstorming. In the middle of your map, fill in the last three spaces in the VIOLATIONS box. (Two of them have already been provided.) Go to the next slide for more explanation of each violation and what they include. Violations Economic disempowerment Political Domination Sexual Abuse Domestic Violence Disinheritance
VIOLATIONS: The Abuse Categories 1. Economic disempowerment causes a person or a group of people to be less likely than others to succeed within our society. This prevents a person or group from having power, authority, or influence due to financial status. 2. Political domination can be found in various groups all around the world. These groups form regimes of systematic discrimination against minority groups based on race, religion, gender, status, and beliefs. For example, capitalist patriarchy grants the right to dominate and rule over the weak. 3. Sexual Violence refers to sexual activity where consent is not obtained or not given freely. Anyone can experience sexual violence, but most victims are female. Just a few examples of sexual violence include: incest, child abuse, harassment, assault, elder abuse, sexual abuse towards males or boys, rape, sexual abuse of those disabled, etc. 4. Domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. 5. Disinheritance refers to leaving a family member or loved one out of your last will. Before you die, you need to have written a will — a document that lists where you want your money and property to go after your death — in order to disinherit someone. When your wealthy relative actually removes your name from her will, she officially disinherits you.