Inward Material Movement
Employee/Security/Approver– Login Page Enter Valid Credentials to login to application 1. Enter Username 2. Enter Password 3. Enter Captcha 4. Click on Login
Security Login –Inward Movement The Security enters the details based on the following Enter Sender details Enter Transporter Details Enter Receiver details Click on Save Enter Material details
Select Contractor nme from dropdown Tracking ID- Inward Movement When clicked on Save ,a tracking Id is generated as shown below Tracking Id Select Contractor nme from dropdown
Approval-Inward Movement Select any Approver Mail ID from the list Click on “Send for Approval” The list of Approver listed in Group Mail will be displayed Click on Send approval once the Approver is selected
Material Waiting for approval Dashboard after sending for approval The Status of the inward movement will be “Waiting For Approval” as shown below Material Waiting for approval
Mail- Approver A mail is triggered to the approver and he has the authority to accept or reject The Approver receives a mail, he can accept or reject the inward movement
Approval-Success Message Once the movement is approved success message is displayed as shown Click on Ok to complete the process after the Approval button Is clicked
Click on the Link to Accept the receipt or reject Dashboard Status After Approval Once the movement has been approved the status is in receipt stage as shown below. Click on the Link to Accept the receipt or reject
Accept or Reject the inward movement(Security Login) The security has the authority to print a receipt or to reject the receipt The Security has the power to reject or give the material to the employee. Accept can be done by clicking on Receipt
The Received item in the Dashboard Material-Received The status will be reflected in Received column as shown below ,only the Employee can receive The Received item in the Dashboard
Received material details The received Material details are as shown below with Status Received. Can Print the Delivery Challan for the Received Material Click on Print
Print Badge-Inward Material Click on print badge Application will print a badge with the details
Outward Material Movement
FrontDesk-Outward Movement The Security enters the valid details based on the following details Enter Sender details Enter Transporter Details Enter Receiver details Click On Save Enter Material details
Select Contractor nme from dropdown Tracking Id –Outward Material When clicked on Save, a tracking Id is generated, as shown below Tracking Id Select Contractor nme from dropdown
Approval-Outward Movement When the approver is selected click on “Send for Approval” The list of Approver is listed in Group Mail & will be displayed Click on Send approval once the Approver is selected
Dashboard after sending for approval The Status of the Outward movement will be “Waiting For Approval” as shown below Once the outward movement is sent for approval the dashboard status reads “Waiting For Approval”
Approval- Approver Login A mail is triggered to the approver and he has the authority to accept or reject The Approver receives a mail, he can accept or reject the outward movement
Approval-Success Message Once the movement is approved success message is displayed as shown Click on Ok to complete the process after the Approval button Is clicked
Click on the Link to Accept the Dispatch or reject Dashboard Status After Approval Once the movement has been approved the status is in receipt stage as shown below. Click on the Link to Accept the Dispatch or reject
Dispatch or Reject the Outward movement(Security Login) The security has the authority to dispatch or to reject the movement The Security has the power to reject or Dispatch, dispatch can be done by clicking on Dispatch
Printing of the Outward Material The status will be reflected in Received column as shown below ,only the Employee can receive Can Print the Delivery Challan for the Received Material Click on print
Print Badge-Outward Material Click on print badge Application will print a badge with the details
Inward Returnable Material Movement
FrontDesk- Inward Returnable material Movement The Security enters the valid details based on the following details Enter Sender details Enter Transporter Details Enter Receiver details Enter Sender details Click On save Enter returnable date Enter Material details
Select Contractor nme from dropdown Tracking Id –Inward Returnable Material When clicked on Save, a tracking Id is generated, as shown below Tracking Id Select Contractor nme from dropdown
Approval-Inward Returnable When the approver is selected click on “Send for Approval” The list of Approver is listed in Group Mail & will be displayed Click on Send approval once the Approver is selected
Dashboard after sending for approval The Status of the Inward Returnable movement will be “Waiting For Approval” as shown below Once the Inward Returnable movement is sent for approval the dashboard status reads “Waiting For Approval”
Approval- Approver Login A mail is triggered to the approver and he has the authority to accept or reject The Approver receives a mail, he can accept or reject the outward movement
Approval-Success Message Once the movement is approved success message is displayed as shown Click on Ok to complete the process after the Approval button Is clicked
Click on the Link to Accept or provide the receipt Dashboard Status After Approval Once the movement has been approved the status is in receipt stage as shown below. Click on the Link to Accept or provide the receipt
Accept or Reject the Inward Returnable(Security Login) The security has the authority to dispatch or to reject the movement The Security has the power to reject or Provide the receipt, it can be obtained by clicking on receipt.
Click on print to obtain the receipt Inward Returnable:Print badge(Security Login) The status will be reflected in Received column as shown below ,only the Employee can receive Click on print to obtain the receipt
Print Badge-Inward Returnable Material Click on print badge Application will print a badge with the details
Outward Returnable Material Movement
FrontDesk- Outward Returnable material Movement The Security enters the valid details based on the following details Enter Transporter Details Enter Sender details Enter Receiver details Return date Enter Material details
Tracking Id –Outward Returnable Material When clicked on Save, a tracking Id is generated, as shown below Tracking Id
Approval-Outward Returnable When the approver is selected click on “Send for Approval” The list of Approver is listed in Group Mail & will be displayed Click on Send approval once the Approver is selected
Dashboard after sending for approval The Status of the Outward Returnable movement will be “Waiting For Approval” as shown below Once the outward returnable movement is sent for approval the dashboard status reads “Waiting For Approval” Once the outward movement is sent for approval the dashboard status reads “Waiting For Approval”
The Approver receives a mail, he can accept or reject the movement Approval- Approver Login A mail is triggered to the approver and he has the authority to accept or reject The Approver receives a mail, he can accept or reject the movement
Approval-Success Message Once the movement is approved success message is displayed as shown Click on Ok to complete the process after the Approval button Is clicked
Click on the Link to Accept or provide the receipt Dashboard Status After Approval Once the movement has been approved the status is in receipt stage as shown below. Click on the Link to Accept or provide the receipt
Accept or Reject the Outward Returnable(Security Login) The security has the authority to dispatch or to reject the movement The Security has the power to reject or can dispatch, it can be obtained by clicking on dispatch
Outward Returnable:Print badge(Security Login) The status will be reflected in Received column as shown below ,only the Employee can receive We can make it non returnable and can change the date as well Click on print to obtain the receipt
Print Badge-Outward Returnable Material Click on print badge Application will print a badge with the details
Request User Form
Click on SLA to see the details
Click on Request User Form
Fill the mandatory to create a new user & Submit
Under Admin login, creation details will get displayed Under Admin login, creation details will get displayed. Click on Request User Form
Click on First name to see the entire details of respective user
Provide the User name and fill the appropiate details of user and Save
Enter the mandatory details
Successful message will be displayed after the creation and system trigger a mail to the user and they can change the password at the first time login
Thank You