greenhouse the effect
Heat from the sun shines onto the Earth. Short-wave solar radiation passes through the greenhouse gases, heats the earth and is re-radiated back into space as long-wave infra red – some of this is absorbed by the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. It passes through a blanket of gases in our atmosphere.
Some of the heat energy is reflected back into space. Some of the heat energy is absorbed by the blanket of gases.
The ‘greenhouse’ gases are essential to life on Earth The ‘greenhouse’ gases are essential to life on Earth. Without them heat energy would escape back into space. Earth would be a very chilly place with an average temperature of -18°C ! Greenhouse gases include methane, nitrous oxide, water vapour and carbon dioxide.
The gases work a bit like glass in a greenhouse to trap in warmth. The greenhouse gases help to keep the temperature of the earth in balance. This process is called the GREENHOUSE EFFECT. The gases work a bit like glass in a greenhouse to trap in warmth. But the earth is getting warmer and warmer. WHY? The greenhouse effect works a bit like the glass in a greenhouse to trap in warmth. The key difference, however, is that the glass ‘traps’ in the heated air, while the greenhouse gases ‘absorb’ radiation.
Human activities are creating more greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide, CO2. As we burn more fossil fuels, for example, the blanket of greenhouse gases becomes thicker. Examples of fossil fuels – oil, coal, gas. Human activities, such as burning more fossil fuels or cutting down forests, increase the ‘concentration’ of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.
More greenhouse gases in the atmosphere mean that more heat energy is absorbed. We call this increase in the temperature of the earth ‘global warming’.
Greenhouse Effect The Process by which atmosphere gases absorb heat energy from the sun and prevent heat from leaving our atmosphere. 3 Main Greenhouse Gases: CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2), Methane, and WATER VAPOR
What causes an Increase in Greenhouse gases? CARBON DIOXIDE is added to the atmosphere when people burn coal, oil (gasoline), and natural gas FOSSIL FUELS, for transportation, factories, and electricity.
What else causes an increase in Greenhouse gases? Deforestation, or the clearing of forests, also increases the amount of CARBON DIOXIDE in the air because in photosynthesis plants take in carbon dioxide and remove it from the atmosphere, they make oxygen.
What else causes an increase in Greenhouse gases? Volcanoes, fires, and respiration (breathing) also add CO2 to the atmosphere. Carbon Cycle
What else causes an increase in Greenhouse gases? Methane is produced when garbage is buried in landfills, from animal waste (poop), and from other natural sources.
What else causes an increase in Greenhouse gases? As temperatures increase, evaporation increases which adds water vapor.
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