The Digestive System Mechanical digestion Breaks food down into smaller particles so the body can absorb the food’s nutrients There are two types of digestion Mechanical Chemical Mechanical digestion Food is broken into smaller pieces Ex: Teeth grinding/chewing Stomach churning/squeezing food
Enzymes break the chemical bonds between molecules of food Chemical Digestion Enzymes break the chemical bonds between molecules of food Chemical digestion begins in the mouth Saliva contains enzymes Complex carbohydrates (bread, potato,etc.) are broken into simple sugars Chemical digestion also happens in the stomach and small intestine Acids break molecules of food into smaller and smaller molecules until molecules are small enough to move out of the small intestine and into the blood stream Blood cells then carry nutrients to all the cells of the body
Circulatory System What does blood carry? Transportation system of body What does blood carry? Nutrients (proteins, glucose) to each cell of body from digestive system Oxygen from lungs to each cell (used in cellular respiration) Carbon dioxide (end product of cellular respiration) from cells back to lungs Takes waste products to kidneys Also carries white blood cells to help fight bacteria
Respiratory System – brings in oxygen, exhales carbon dioxide Inhaled oxygen rich air travels from the nose, through the trachea to the lungs. The lungs are filled with tiny, thin-walled sacs called alveoli The oxygen diffuses through the thin wall of the alveoli into tiny capillaries surrounding each alveoli and into blood cells Blood cells then carry oxygen to every cell in body for cellular respiration Carbon dioxide is then carried by blood cells back to lungs to exhale
The reason for any type of movement in the body such as: Muscular System The reason for any type of movement in the body such as: Blinking your eyes Heart beating Running Food moving through digestive system Blood vessels moving blood through body Diaphragm muscle contracting and relaxing which controls breathing Contractions of stomach
Nervous system Made of special cells called neurons (nerve cells), spinal cord, and brain Neurons receive messages and send directions throughout the body All tissues and organs require directions from the nervous system on how to work/what to do Controls muscle movement, both voluntary (lifting your arm, running) and involuntary (heart beating, breathing) Includes sense organs which pick up information from the environment (sound, heat, cold, light, smell, etc)
Skeletal System Supports the body Protects soft organs (ribs protect lungs and heart) (skull protects brain) Makes red and white blood cells Attachment for muscles and organs Muscles contract and move bone
How do the body systems work together??? Soooo…… How do the body systems work together???