LEARNING OBJECTIVES Developing understanding of legislative and regulatory framework of Pakistan for nuclear safety and security and regulatory infrastructure Acquaint the participants about the functions and responsibilities of PNRA Familiarization with the nuclear power program of Pakistan Familiarize the participants with the organizational structure of PNRA and manpower growth since its emergence as an independent regulatory body Providing an overview of regulations and regulatory guides issued so far
ENERGY SECURITY PLAN Explore and utilize all available sources of energy (diversity in energy mix) while complying with national standards and international commitments Ensure safety and security of nuclear energy that is a part of Pakistan’s energy mix Enhance the existing generation capacity from nuclear to 8,800 MWe by 2030 and 40,000 MWe by 2050
EVOLUTION OF LEGAL BASIS FOR REGULATORY INDEPENDENCE Creation of Nuclear Safety Committee Creation of Directorate of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Promulgation of PNSRP Regulations Created of Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Board (PNRB) Creation of PNRA as an independent regulatory body 1965 1984 1990 1994 2001 JOURNEY TOWARDS AN INDEPENDENT REGULATORY BODY
MAIN LEGISLATIONS NCA Act 2010 Establishes complete command and control on nuclear materials, installations and technology PNRA Ordinance 2001 Establishes regulatory framework PAEC Ordinance 1965 Addresses promotional aspects of nuclear energy
Mandate of PNRA PNRA was established under the Ordinance No. III of 2001 as the national competent authority with the mandate to: Regulate Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection and Fix the extent of civil liability for nuclear damage resulting from any nuclear incident; in order to ensure protection of human being and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation.
PART TIME MEMBERS OF AUTHORITY two of whom shall be reputable scientists from internationally recognized universities holding a post-graduate professional degree in nuclear physics or nuclear engineering and have fifteen years of work experience in the relevant field One medical doctor holding a post graduate professional degree in nuclear medicine or radiotherapy with fifteen years of work experience in the relevant field One nominee each from the Ministry of Health and the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency One nominee from Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (the operating organization) Director General of Strategic Plans Division (SPD) which is the secretariat of Nuclear Command Authority (NCA) Seven part-time members including: three technical members, two of whom shall be reputable scientists from internationally recognized universities holding a post-graduate professional degree in nuclear physics or nuclear engineering and have fifteen years of work experience in the relevant field, one medical doctor holding a post graduate professional degree in nuclear medicine or radiotherapy with fifteen years of work experience two nominees one each from the Ministry of Health and the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency not below the rank of Joint Secretary; one nominee from the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission with the rank or grade equivalent to that of a full-time member of the Commission; and the Director General, Strategic Plans Division, which is the secretariat of the National Command Authority (NCA)
POWERS OF THE AUTHORITY Administrative Powers Establishment of Directorates to execute enforce and supervise all measures and decision of the Authority Constitution of Advisory Committees to assist the Authority in performing its functions or advise on particular issues Appointment of Advisors and Consultants to transact any business Appointment of employees to perform all the regulatory responsibilities Enter into cooperation agreements with International Organization or regulatory bodies of other countries Under the Act/Ordinance, the Authority is empowered to: Establish one or more Directorates to execute, enforce and supervise all decisions of the Authority and all nuclear and radiation safety measures vested in the Authority Form Advisory Committees, from time to time, amongst its members or other suitably qualified persons, for assisting the Authority' in the performance of its functions generally, or for advising on or evaluating any particular nuclear or radiation safety aspect. to employ suitably qualified advisers and consultants to transact any business in exercise of its powers or performance of its functions under the Ordinance to appoint officers and employees to perform all the regulatory responsibilities conferred by the Ordinance to enter into co-operation agreements with any other nuclear regulatory authority or international organization in respect of the peaceful uses of atomic energy
POWERS OF THE AUTHORITY Technical Powers to devise, adopt, make and enforce rules and regulations, for nuclear safety and radiation protection to plan, develop and execute comprehensive policies and programs for the protection of life, health and property to grant authorization, or issue license for the production, storage, disposal, trade in and use of any nuclear or radioactive material to inspect all nuclear installations, nuclear or radioactive materials to ensure compliance with the regulations to ensure that appropriate measures for physical protection of nuclear installations and nuclear materials are taken;
POWERS OF THE AUTHORITY to fix the extent of civil liability in case of nuclear incidents and establish the extent of insurance for an operator to initiate and coordinate nuclear safety research and development to coordinate and enforce preparation of planning and preparedness for nuclear or radiological emergencies To ensure, implement and environmental surveillance to check any build-up of environmental radioactivity To advise the Government or educational and research institutions, public or private industry on questions related to nuclear safety and radiation protection to initiate and coordinate research and development necessary for carrying into effect the provisions of this Ordinance to coordinate and enforce preparation of emergency plans for actions to be taken following foreseeable types of nuclear incidents that might affect the public. To ensure, implement and co-ordinate national programme of environmental surveillance to check any build-up of environmental radioactivity that might affect the public. To advise the Government or educational and research institutions, public or private industry on questions related to nuclear safety and radiation protection
Directorate of Nuclear Safety Secretary of the Authority ORGANOGRAM OF PNRA Authority / Chairman Two full-time members Seven part-time members Advisory Committees Regional Nuclear Safety Directorate – II Chashma Directorate of Nuclear Safety Directorate of Transport & Waste Safety Directorate of Radiation Safety National Institute of Safety and Security C H A I R M A N Member (Executive) Member (Corporate) Director General (Technical) National Environmental Monitoring Program National Dosimetry and Protection Level Calibration Laboratory Regional Nuclear Safety Directorate – III Karachi Regional Nuclear Safety Directorate – I Islamabad Secretary of the Authority (Inspection & Enforcement) (Capacity Building) (Chairman Secretariat) Directorate of Physical Protection &Nuclear Security Directorate of Audit & Planning Civil Works Group Directorate of Administration Directorate of International Cooperation Directorate of Establishment (Corporate) (Technical Support) PSDP Projects Regional Nuclear Safety Inspectorate–I, Peshawar Regional Nuclear Safety Inspectorate–II, Multan Regional Nuclear Safety Inspectorate–III Quetta Directorate of Finance PNRA Residential Colony Chashma National Radiological Emergency Coordination Centre Design Assessment and Analysis of NPPs Directorate of Information Services Directorate of Policies & Procedures Directorate of Regulatory Affairs Directorate of Human Resource Development Centre for Nuclear Safety Safety Analysis Centre Legal Cell
LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY PYRAMID Ordinance Regulations -- Administrative -- Technical Regulatory Guides Industrial Codes and Standards -- National -- International Details on how to meet In-depth Detail
PNRA REGULATED FACILITIES Nuclear Power Plants, Research Reactors and Waste Management Facilities Nuclear Medical Centers & Agriculture Research Centers X-Ray Machines , Diagnostic Radiology & Irradiators used for sterilization of medical equipment Industrial Radiography & Industrial applications of radiation PNRA
NPP SITES IN PAKISTAN Chashma Nuclear Power Plants (C-1, C-2, C-3, & C-4) Karachi Nuclear Power Plants (K-1, K-2 and K-3)
Chashma Nuclear Power Plant C-1 CURRENT STATUS OF NPP (1/5) Karachi Nuclear Power Plant – K-1 Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor Net Electrical Output: 137 MWe Commercially operating since 1972 Design life: 30 years Re-licensed for further operation Chashma Nuclear Power Plant C-1 Pressurized Water Reactor Design Electrical Power 325 MWe Started commercial operation in 2000 Design life: 40 years Granted operating license till 2020
CURRENT STATUS OF NPP (2/5) Karachi Nuclear Power Plant – K-1 Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor with a net electrical output of137 MWe Started commercial operation in1972 and completed its design life of 30 years Re-licensed for further operation in 2004
CURRENT STATUS OF NPP (4/5) Chashma NPP units 1 and 2 Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) having gross electrical output of 325 and 330 MWe respectively Started commercial operation in 2000 and 2011 Design life: 40 years Chashma NPP unit 3 & 4 Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) having gross electrical output of 340 MWe each Started commercial operation in 2016 and May 2017 respectively
CURRENT STATUS OF NPP (5/5) K-2/K-3− 1100 MWe Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR): undergoing construction
LICENSED RADIATION FACILITIES Around 5000 Radiation Facilities including Diagnostic X-rays N. Medical Centers Industries Agriculture Research/Education Others (Scanners, calibration sources) 21
All PNRA Regulations are available at PNRA website (www.pnra.org) Administrative Regulations describing Regulatory Processes: Licensing regulations (908 & 909) Enforcement regulations (PAK/950) Licensing Fee regulations (PAK/900) Technical Specific Technical Regulations NPPs site evaluation, design, operation, etc. (PAK/910, 911, 912, 913) Generic Regulations (applicable to all facilities) Radiation protection, waste management, emergency preparedness, etc. (PAK/904, 914, 915) All PNRA Regulations are available at PNRA website (www.pnra.org)
PNRA REGULATORY GUIDES Regulatory Guides provide acceptable methods for implementing the regulatory requirements Generally the safety guides issued by PNRA are based on IAEA safety guides Regulatory Guides issued by NRC are also consulted PNRA also issues regulatory guides on areas where guidance is not available in IAEA safety standards Regulatory guides issued by PNRA are available at its website