In its current form an index card can not support its own weight In its current form an index card can not support its own weight. Perhaps it could balance on its edge if it could support itself but it is impossible for us to get the card to balance. (When released the card falls over.)
Now we will process the index card by folding it in half Now we will process the index card by folding it in half. The card can now support it’s own weight.
Now add 50 index cards on top of our folded card Now add 50 index cards on top of our folded card. The structure can support more than its own weight. However, you will notice that the structure is starting to twist.
Remove the weight from the structure and process the card again Remove the weight from the structure and process the card again. Fold each half of the card in half again to make the basics of a small triangle.
Now place the 50 index cards back on top of the structure Now place the 50 index cards back on top of the structure. You will notice that the new structure is stronger than previous structure.
Continue to add more cards to the structure to demonstrate how must stronger the new structure is. The structure is now supporting 1050 index cards on top of it.
Next, process the card again by cutting the card to 1/3 its original height.
Place the 1050 cards back on top of the new structure. This new structure is actually more efficient that the previous structure.
You should also consider the surface area of the structure. It is easier to balance your test weights on top of a structure with a larger surface area.
Remember you are building a structure not a combination of structures. 3 separate structures 1 structure with multiple parts. (Note: cards would need to be glued together.)