NRF Funding Opportunities Sabbatical Processes Workshop (UP) 12 June 2017 Melissa Govender GMSA: Emerging Researchers
NRF promote and support research through funding, human resource development and the provision of the necessary facilities in order to facilitate the creation of knowledge, innovation and development in all fields of research, including indigenous knowledge, and thereby to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of all the people of the Republic.
GMSA Grants Management and Systems Administration Emerging Researchers Established Researchers Strategic Investments Total budget = R2 billion Processes Pre-award Award Post-award
Emerging Researchers Programme Fund next generation and emerging researchers Budget = R900 million Total no. grantholders = 10 000 Duration Honours = 1 year Master’s = 2 years Doctoral = 3 years Post-Doctoral = 2 years (unless specified by programme) Types of grants Free-standing grants (Individual grants where applicants are grant-holders) Block grants (Funds given as a lump sum to the grant-holder who distributes according to set NRF guidelines) Grantholder-linked (Researcher is given funds and can nominate students under his/her grant) *Funding period is based on the date of initial registration for the degree (H,M&D) or commencement of research (postdocs).
NRF Funding Instruments Free-standing Grants Block Grants Innovation Fund Scholarships Scarce Skills Scholarships NRF Free-standing Scholarships DAAD-NRF In-Country Master’s and Doctoral Scholarships Renewable & Sustainable Energy Fellowships Desmond Tutu Doctoral Scholarships Green Economy Doctoral & Post-Doctoral The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Programme Early Career Researchers from the UK Research Career Awards (RCA) SANCOR Waste RDI nGAP Extension Scholarships for Master’s and Doctoral Honours and Master’s Block Grants Professional Development Programme (PDP) Collaborative Postgraduate Training Programme Staff Development Grants: Thuthuka Sabbatical Grants Part-time Doctoral Scholarships Travel Grants
Sabbatical Grants to Complete Doctoral Degrees
Sabbatical Grants Academic staff to complete doctoral degrees in any field of study Special intervention aimed at addressing: the decline in the number of full- time university academic staff with doctoral degrees and the inadequate supervisory capacity Level Value Doctoral R100 000 for 6 months R200 000 for 12 months
Eligibility Applicants must be full-time academic employees, in public universities in South Africa, engaged in research in any discipline and, registered in a doctoral program Applicants must be South African citizens Applicants will be expected to have no teaching-related duties assigned to them during the six or twelve month period of the sabbatical Sabbatical must start between January and September of the year of award
Selection Criteria The research project must be registered with an accredited institution; The application must include a project plan which outlines the following: The Project Organisation (Progress to date, Project team members, roles and responsibilities of each member, tasks assigned to each member); Project schedule/Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) with the work divided into manageable activities linked to specific time-bound outcomes; and Project budget (listing activities, costs and motivation towards efficient use of resources). Applicants should be close to completion at the point of application; and Applicants must intend to complete the dissertation write-up during the six or twelve month sabbatical period.
Financials The grant is intended to fund two distinct cost drivers: lecturer replacement costs; and costs related to completing the dissertation write-up
Carry Forwards Sabbatical grants awarded in a calendar year Only considered under extenuating circumstances Motivation required Automatic if >60% spent
Reporting Final report Proof of submission of thesis (within 1 year)
Call Process Call advertised Applications online Submitted to NRF for review Call closed GMSA screens (eligibility and application requirements) Eligible applications sent to Reviews and Evaluations (RE) Applications reviewed by external experts Funding decisions Awards made Call advertised ±6 months Awards made
Sabbatical Proposals: Screening Checklist Check application for completeness 1. Supervisor’s recommendation 2. Proof of duration of full-time, permanent or fixed-term contract employment Accept If yes If yes No No REJECT Reject: basic responses Application is incomplete No supervisor recommendation attached. Proof of duration of employment not attached. Accept: basic responses Application is complete Supervisor recommendation attached. Proof of duration of employment attached.
Scorecard for the Evaluation of Proposals Section 1: Work plan for completion of doctoral studies
Section 2: Research Outputs
Call Process Call advertised Applications online Submitted to NRF for review Call closed GMSA screens (eligibility and application requirements) Eligible applications sent to Reviews and Evaluations (RE) Applications reviewed by external experts Funding decisions Awards made Call advertised ±6 months Awards made
Funding Decisions Applications score Targets Institution spread Budget 80% Black (Black, Indian, Coloured) 55% Female 4% Persons with disabilities Institution spread Budget
Award and Post-Award Process Successful list published Grants created on system Award notifications Grantholder to sign Conditions of Grant (CoG) Designated Authority uploads to system Signed CoG Proof of Registration Release funds
Online Application Process
Framework Application and Funding Guide
Degree to be Funded section
*Please indicate your Running Costs individually
Details of Research section – Page 22
Details of Research section – Page 22 Rationale and Literature Review Please provide a brief description of the doctoral study. Aims and Objectives Please provide an indication of the progress achieved thus far against the aim (s) and set objectives of the doctoral study (maximum one page). This should be divided into the relevant years, providing the following information per year: Research objectives according to work plan Achievements Reasons for non-achievement, if applicable Methodology and Proposed Research Plan This section is divided into Aim(s), Objectives, Activities and Expected Outputs. Each Aim should have Objectives linked to it with relevant activities, a workplan, timelines, team members and expected outputs. These objectives should substantiate the requested budget. The research aim(s) and objective(s) should relate directly to the research project and not to capacity or human resource development aim(s).
Thank you! UP Grants Office Contact person: Ninette Mouton Email: Tel: 012 420 3528