Parent Orientation Night Mrs. Stevens “I promise you everyday that your child will learn something. Some days they will bring it home in their hands. Some days they will bring it home in their heads. And some days they will bring it home in their hearts."
About Mrs. Stevens I am 23 years old. I graduated in 2015 from William Jewell College with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Applied Critical Thought & Inquiry. This is my second year teaching. I have an amazing and supportive family consisting of my husband, a puppy (Ely), my parents, and a 15 year old brother. I love to bake, read, and work in my classroom. I truly have a passion for teaching not only academic skills, but skills for success outside of academics.
What to Expect From Me Weekly Newsletter Very open line of communication I try to contact parents many times throughout the year to touch base about their child’s strengths and areas for improvement. I will contact you with any concerns at my first opportunity. PLEASE feel free to contact me at anytime with questions or concerns.
Attendance, Lunch Count & Announcements Social Studies or Science Daily Routine Attendance, Lunch Count & Announcements Community Meeting Reader’s Workshop Math Workshop Read Aloud Recess & Lunch Writer’s Workshop Word Work Recess Social Studies or Science End of the Day Meeting Specials
Community Meeting Each day we begin with a community meeting to center us in our learning, and to build a safe and supportive classroom environment. Components of the Community Meeting: How are you feeling (one word)? What is your goal for the day? Who can help you reach your goal? At the end of the day we review our goals and celebrate our achieved goals.
Reader’s Workshop Differentiation: Structure: Mini-Lesson Work Time Small Group Time Independent Reading Raz-Kids Book Clubs Reflection Time Differentiation: Students choose their own books. I will meet with small groups multiple times a week to focus on particular skills. I will conference with every student to focus on particular strengths and areas of improvement.
Envisions Math Workshop Structure: Mini-Lesson Rotations Teacher Time Independent Practice XtraMath Activity Reflection Time Differentiation: Pretest to form groups based on prior knowledge of unit skills. Groups change with each unit (based on pretest) Students complete different parts of work mat depending on group. NOT ALL WORK MAT WILL BE COMPLETED EACH DAY. Optional homework sent home at the beginning of each unit.
Writer’s Workshop Differentiation: Structure: Students are encouraged to write what they choose within the parameters of the unit. I meet with small groups to focus on particular skills. I also conference with students individually to focus on strengths and areas for improvement. Structure: Mini-Lesson Composing Time Students compose writing & try to implement strategies taught in mini lessons. I conference with individual students & pull small groups. Reflection Time
Word Work Differentiation: Structure: Mini-Lesson Independent Practice At the beginning of each semester, students are given a spelling inventory. Based on the inventory students are grouped by spelling stage. Students move classes (within second grade) to work on words that are in their spelling stage. 20 minutes each day Tests by unit, not each week. Students should work on their word sorts at home each week. Structure: Mini-Lesson Independent Practice Students apply skills learned in many ways (sorting, buddy sorting, writing sentences, etc.)
Social Studies & Science Science and Social Studies occur on a rotating basis. Both are taught in units defined by the Common Core Reporting Topics. Science inquiry and experiments allow students to actively engage in the topic. Unlike other subjects, Science and Social Studies topics are taught and “closed” their assessment period finishes each quarter. To build study skills for the future students will be expected to study for tests throughout the year at home.
Classroom Management Leader In Me Continuous Improvement Class Dojo At Southeast we focus on the 8 Habits Daily & Quarterly Acknowledgement Class Dojo Give & Take Points as Needed Rewards for Every 100 Points Parent Involvement Piece Continuous Improvement Leadership Notebooks Data Center Goal Setting
Exceeded grade-level priority standards. Report Card Reporting topics are defined areas taught. Ongoing assessments acknowledge student growth and progress. Report cards no longer use a numbered scale. E Exceeded Exceeded grade-level priority standards. M Mastered Meets grade- level priority standards. P Partially Understood Approaching grade- level priority standards. N Needed Support Below grade-level priority standard.
Take Home Folder Take Home Folder Your child’s take home folder should be checked and emptied every night. It is the student’s responsibility to get me any notes/ papers from home. If you’re concerned that they won’t get it to me, shoot me an email. A monthly calendar and daily schedule are included on the take home folder.
Homework Students should read each night and practice their weekly word sort. Homework will only be sent home if and when it serves a meaningful purpose. OPTIONAL math homework will be sent home with each unit. This is meant for extra practice. Throughout the year there will be science and social studies tests to study for. For extra practice utilize the online programs: XtraMath & RazKids. If you’re wanting extra work, math facts are a great item to focus on at home. If you would like additional resources, let me know!
Safety New visitor system-driver’s license required to visit. Volunteers must go through a district screening process. The classroom door is locked at all times. A magnet is used to keep the door open, and can be easily removed in an emergency. Drill Requirements: Fire-Monthly Earthquake-Once a Year Tornado-Fall and Spring Secondary Evacuation-Class Discussion Lock Down Drill-Fall and Spring)
Field Trip April 18 to Shawnee Mission Animal Lab Parents are welcome to join, but must follow the bus in their own car due to seating.
Birthdays Birthday treats are absolutely welcome, but please make sure the treats are PRE-PACKAGED. Please try to deliver them by lunch. ALL NUT ALLERGY- Please be aware of this when purchasing birthday treats.
Before You Go Sign your child’s Student Conduct Sheet and LEAVE IT on their desk. Sign up, if you haven’t already… Parent Conferences Party/Volunteer Sign-Up Please see the back table for these forms and opportunities. Thank you!