Fabrication of CoAPO-5 films for the templated growth of carbon nanotubes Michael Tsapatsis, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Cobalt-Modified Aluminophosphate AlPO4-5 (CoAPO-5) Films Submicron-thick CoAPO-5 films produced for the first time Strategy was to control crystal growth and orientation by optimizing synthesis conditions Currently used as catalytic supports for the templated growth of carbon nanotubes inside the porous framework Future applications as high-flux and high-selectivity separation membranes Syntheses were performed using triethylamine (TEA) and tripropylamine (TPA) as the structure-directing agents for film growth. Scanning electron microscopy (scale bar corresponds to 1μm) and x-ray diffraction revealed uniform coverage and high orientation of the fabricated film necessary for the synthesis of high performance carbon nanotube membranes. Karanikolos, G.N.; Garcia, H.; Corma, A.; Tsapatsis, M. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 115 (2008) 11-22.