AGA Workshop Resource Management and Work Forecasting Donald Malamphy, Manager Gas Contract Management Baltimore Gas and Electric Date (Calibri 16 pt)
Baltimore Gas and Electric serves Baltimore City and 10 surrounding counties (2300 sq. miles) 650, 000 gas and 1.2 million electric customers Operate 7230 miles of gas main 1270 miles cast iron/ 35 bare steel
650, 000 gas and 1.2 million electric customers Notes Baltimore Gas and Electric serves Baltimore City and 10 surrounding counties (2300 sq miles) 650, 000 gas and 1.2 million electric customers Operate 7230 miles of gas main Currently have accelerated program in place to replace all cast and bare steel mains Workload management and Project Management involved in assignment of work to contractors Contractors perform gas main replacement, new installation, various maintenance leak repair tasks 2014 Capital spend $140 mil total, $100 mil contractor 2015 Capital projections $139 million, $98 mil contractor
Contractor Crew make up Main line 4-5 crew members Service crews 3 man Notes Cont. Contractor Crew make up Main line 4-5 crew members Service crews 3 man 350 contractor employees about 90 crews Type of contract(s) Blanket COC (multi year), Large lump sum projects, multi-year- regional projects on units We use Asset Suite 8 for our Work Management System We have both paper and paperless jock packages