Operation 25 and Operation Marita Melissa Ifft and Jessica Brown
Operation 25: Key Leaders Yugoslavian Prince Paul Leader of the country before Germany invaded Feared a revolution Did not want to join the Axis powers but was forced by Hitler to sign the Tripartite Pact. Josip Broz Tito: leader of the Yugoslav Partisans Wanted to make Yugoslavia a socialist nation “Partisan Army” Became president after Prince Paul
Operation 25: Leaders Wihelm List German field Marshall for Hitler Planned invasion of Greece and Yugoslavia
Operation 25: Background Invasion of Yugoslavia “April War” April 6, 1941- April 17, 1941 Hitler was concerned with British presence in that region Yugoslavia joined the Axis on March 25, resulting in an antifascist coup against the Yugoslav government Prince Paul was overthrown Hitler issued Operation 25
Operation 25: Events Invasion commenced with an air attack on Belgrade and facilities of the Yugoslav Royal Air Force by the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) and attacks by German land forces from southwestern Bulgaria Yugoslav planes were largely destroyed before they were able to take off Bombing attack carried out by Germany The invasion ended with the surrender of the Royal Yugoslav Army on 17 April 1941.
Operation 25: Map
Operation 25: Effects Germany, Italy and Bulgaria won Yugoslavia was then occupied and partitioned by the Axis powers Yugoslavia moved their remaining aircraft to Greece
Operation Marita April 6- April 30, 1941- lasted 24 days On October 28, Italy presented Greece with a three-hour ultimatum, in which they wanted their troops to occupy unspecified "strategic sites" within Greek territory. Greece rejected the ultimatum Greece wanted to remain neutral Italy invaded Greece through Albania Greece received air support from the British Royal Air Force (RAF) Greeks drove the Italians back into Albania
Operation Marita Greece was able to maintain their territory until Germany entered the fight Germany wanted to protect the southernmost flank of the planned invasion of the Soviet Union and aid its ally Germany invaded from Bulgaria Germany divided the Greek First Army from British forces
Operation Marita: Map
Operation Marita: Effects German victory Greece suffered heavy casualties Delayed German invasion of the Soviet Union Mainland Greece was divided between Germany, Italy, and Bulgaria. Delayed operation Barbarossa Led to the Battle of Crete which was a major loss for the British
Timeline October 28 1940: Mussolini moves troops into Greece March 25, 1941: Yugoslavia joins the Axis powers March 27 1941: Prince Paul is removed from power April 6th-8th 1941: The German Air Force bombs Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia, which results in the causalities of around 300,000 people. On April 13, 1941, Hitler issues his Directive No. 27, which illustrated his future occupying policy in Greece. April 14th 1941: Yugoslav armies stationed at the Monistat Gap are defeated and destroyed by German forces which clear the path for an invasion of Greece.
Timeline April 17th 1941: The Yugoslav leader surrenders leadership to the German forces and Operation 25 is officially concluded. April 20th 1941: The Greek army is forced to surrender to the German and Italian forces invading Greece. April 21 1941: British Army withdraws from Greece altogether April 27th 1941: The Greek resistance ends and the Axis powers begin to occupy and control the city of Athens. April 30th 1941: Operation Marita is officially concluded.
Works Cited Axelrod, Alan, and Charles L. Phillips. “World War II in Greece and the Balkans.” Wars in the Early 20th Century (1900 to 1950), Facts On File, 2015. History Research Center Axelrod, Alan. “Invasion of Greece during World War II.” Encyclopedia of World War II, Vol. 1, Facts On File, 2013. History Research Center Axelrod, Alan. “Yugoslavia during World War II.” Encyclopedia of World War II, Vol. 2, Facts On File, 2013. History Research Center “Axis Occupation of Greece.” History in Literature, Facts On File, 2004. History Research Center "Part Three." The German Campaign in the Balkans (Spring1941): Part III. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2017.