Career & Professional Development Center Anthropology Major & Career
our goal is that you feel confident in finding, obtaining, and then marketing a career/internship experience that will complement your degree
Employers want to know….. Can you do the job? Will you enjoy the job? Can we stand working with you?
Formatting Basics Dates and locations far right help avoid unnecessary white space. Education at the top is common for new or recent grads. Avoid MS Word templates. Content should be in reverse chronological order. ½”-1” margins Bullets are quick and easy to read. 1 page resume is appropriate for most new grads. CG References should be on a separate document and no mention of them on the resume. 10-12 point professional font.
Resume: Header and Contact Your header on resume, cover letters, reference lists should be consistent… these are your marketing materials! Include: Name Contact Information Email Phone LinkedIn URL (edited) Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr, etc. if appropriate for your field Don’t Include: Nationality Birthdate Headshot Marital Status
Resume: Education Section Never: High School Graduation Always: Degree(s) University City, State Graduation Date (Month/Year) Optional: GPA: Overall or Major Relevant Coursework Awards/Honors Service and Leadership Learning Abroad *Associate’s degree is not necessary, but you can add if it offers relevant information CG Optional Section: GPA: Engineering resumes should always include GPA. Recommend adding the GPA based on how good it is. I suggest above a 3.5 should always be on and 3.0 and above is optional. I suggest leaving off if below 3.0. Relevant Coursework: Talk about different ways to list courses. They may want to add titles of classes in rows or they may want to describe some of the classes if they are more obscure. Note that these should be relevant courses, not every course they have taken. Awards/Honors: Talk about what might be relevant for them and their path. Nothing from high school. Service and Leadership: may fit here or may be more appropriate on other sections of their resume. This may be a special service scholar distinction or something similar. Learning Abroad: again, may fit here or may be more relevant in another area. They might talk about courses taken, immersion, language, culture, etc.
{ Resume: Experience Accomplishment statements Location Employer Dates Job Title { Accomplishment statements MA This is a good time to talk about the Do’s and Don’ts of color. Use it if it fits the “brand” you are using for yourself or in a creative field. It may be appropriate elsewhere, but note that color may not print how you see it on your computer and some colors may be hard to read when printed out. If you are using color, always print out copies to see how it looks on paper. Be consistent and don’t use too many colors.
Final Tips Stay consistent Check grammar and spelling Use the right verb tense CG Make sure dates, punctuation, formatting, font are all consistent Have additional eyes check for spelling or grammar mistakes Use past and present tense appropriately Save your document as a PDF so you know exactly how it will appear Bring copies to your interview! Save as PDF Make copies
WHAT IS LINKEDIN? LinkedIn is a professional networking website dedicated to helping individuals connect.
Do I really have to make a LinkedIn profile?
YOU’LL MISS OUT ON… 467 Million Connections 10 Million Active Job Postings 97.3% of Recruiters 467 million users – up from 332 million people last year – 2 new members add very second In 200 countries and territories, speaking over 20 languages
70-80% of jobs are found through networking… What is the value of having 467 million users on LinkedIn?
9 out of 10 employers use LinkedIn during the hiring process What is the value of having 467 million users on LinkedIn?
Why does LinkedIn matter? What’s in a strong profile? How can I use LinkedIn effectively?
How to Stand Out Amongst the 467 Million 3 main elements of a strong LinkedIn Profile Professional Portrait Having a professional photo will make you 14x more likely to be viewed. Eye tracking studies show that humans prefer to look at faces, specifically SMILING faces. REAL smiles. Personalized Headline Succinctly showcase your specialty, value proposition, or your “so what” Speak directly to the audience you want to entice Be specific Worm in the important keywords Be Creative Summary Human elements: tell a story. Focus on things that make a great story—passion, anecdotes, and a clear point. Accomplishments Values & Passions Superpowers Unique Ambitions / Goals
WHAT’S IN A STRONG PROFILE? Complete your profile as much as possible: Unique URL List your past & present experiences List your skills Upload samples of your work Recommendations Succinctly showcase your specialty, value proposition, or your “so what” Speak directly to the audience you want to entice Be specific Worm in the important keywords Be Creative
Why does LinkedIn matter? What’s in a strong profile? How can I use LinkedIn effectively?
USING LINKEDIN Grow your network/connections Engage with alumni Informational interviews Company research Strategic networking Generate engagement Join groups Grow your network/connections Engage with alumni Informational interviews Company research (search for Dennis Group) Strategic networking (click on “see all 326 employees on LinkedIn) Generate engagement (show my posts/activity) Join groups
Why does LinkedIn matter? What’s in a strong profile? How can I use LinkedIn effectively?
Carmen Gold-Johnson | Career Coach University of Utah Career & Professional Development Center | 801.585.5065 | she, her, hers Discipline | Developer | Relator | Arranger | Futuristic