Greek Foundations
Early Greece – The Foundation No such thing as a nation called Greece. [ Hellas ] Hellenes – common language, religion, & heritage
Greek Mainland – from the Peloponnesus to Illyria & Thrace Geography: Greek Mainland – from the Peloponnesus to Illyria & Thrace mountainous, difficult climate Aegean Islands – good climate Ionian Coast – driven out by Dorian Greeks Colonies – Byzantium, Sicily, France
Harsh climate leads to spirit of ingenuity Always more artisans & artists than peasants Coastline & Islands lead to a trading culture – cultural diffusion
Always based on the principle of ARETE GREEK ARTS VISUAL PERFORMING pottery theater painting music jewelry poetry architecture dance sculpture Always based on the principle of ARETE
HELLENIC – Prior to the Conquest of Alexander the Great TIMELINE: 2000 – 900 BC ORIGINS Myth of Daidalos ? 900 – 700 BC GEOMETRIC PERIOD Chaos / Utilitarian Art 700 – 480 BC ARCHAIC PERIOD Development of “Greek” Conventions 480 – 323 BC CLASSICAL PERIOD Perfection of “Greek” Conventions 323 – 30 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD Decline of “Greek” Conventions HELLENIC – Prior to the Conquest of Alexander the Great HELLENISTIC – following the Conquest of Alexander the Great
Hellenism is a synthesis of all of these cultures. The Hellenistic Age (323 – 30 BC) Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) King of Macedonia Pupil of Aristotle Conqueror of the Known World: Greece Egypt Persia Northern India Hellenism is a synthesis of all of these cultures.
Art no longer as interested in idealized form and harmony (Plato) Artists interested in actual experience and appearance (Aristotle) Art becomes more detailed and ornate (decadent?) 4 of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World Library of Alexandria Major influence on Rome