Sales Managers Meeting January 15th, 2013
Consistent Follow Through Return calls within 2 hours Answer all emails and keep records Send daily reports of closings and openings
Monthly Sales Meetings Cover marketing and Technology Cover 3 value-added tools Ask 3 random account executives to explain the tools Customer Service/Title Updates Farms & Customer Service Title units turn times Emphasize opening orders online to ease the load Corporate Tier 1 approved clients
Constant Communication Touch base with each rep by phone weekly Email reps on updates Focus on underperforming reps Arrange for office hours to meet with underperforming reps and go over marketing strategies and value-added tools
Understanding Market Trends and Competition Who’s moving up Who’s moving down What is the competition selling
Constantly touch base with past potential recruits. Recruiting Short list of recruits Constantly touch base with past potential recruits. Arrange for marketing ahead of the meeting with Karim Web site branded for the potential recruit Marketing Flyers Ebooks eMailers
Strength of a Uniform Sales Approach Know and understand all products Consistent message in the field Consistent marketing
Lender Value Proposition Premier services and service level agreement Accountability & reporting Customer satisfaction metrics that are customized to meet each lender’s need Documented work-flows and service-levels Custom build presentation for specific lender showing the lender value proposition, detailing the workflow and service level agreement
Accountability of Reps Track users of all platforms (TicorExpress, Short Sale etc, TicorAgent and all value-added tools You’ll know who’s selling and who isn’t Set goals and track daily Have a scoreboard Follow up contact via phone, email, or in person
Market Share - Where to Increase and How Gotitle-resale MarkeTrac-Lenders Trends, are you moving up or down is share?
Know And Visit Each Of Your Reps Top 10 Clients Pull reports on BI Do not let your rep know you are visiting Creates stickiness with these clients should you lose the rep
Sharing Of Best Practices Create transparency between counties through communication. Email important ideas or marketing pieces to the MM group. Quarterly marketing meeting to brain-storm and share ideas. Immediate communication on issues detrimental to the company (new rates from competitors, loss of staff, recruits you are working on..)
Thank You!