Gairidhara, Kathmandu Phone no: Buy-a-Brick
Autism Facts Fastest-growing developmental disability 1 in 110 births Severely affected 20-30/10,000 60,000-90,000 severely affected children who needs constant support for daily life (Assuming Population of Nepal 30,000000)
Worries for all the parents Can my child lead an independent life? Will my child ever get an opportunity to education? Will My child ever learn any skill to make a living? How will he/ she adjust in this complicating society? Who will take care of my child when we do not exist?
A quote from a young man with Asperger Syndrome People with AS are like salt-water fish who are forced to live in fresh water. Were fine if you just put us into the right environment. We just need little salt. When the person with AS and the environment match, the problem goes away and we even thrive. When they dont match, we seem disabled. From The Essential Difference by Simon Baron-Cohen 2004
Dream of every parents A school for children with Autism Vocational training center for people with Autism A Hostel/ Home/ Residential center for people with Autism Career Option for people with Autism
Dream of ACN Autism Care Center 1) School 2) Vocational Center 3) Home/ Hostel 4) Jobs for people with Autism
Plan For Autism Care Center
To help us in our quest To help all the people with Autism in Nepal Cost: Rs 100/ brick Buy one hundred-- the choice is yours. Together, brick-by-brick, we can change the face of autism in Nepal. All contributions qualify income tax exemption (Income-tax exempt organization under the Income Tax Act 2058 Clause 2 (DHA) recognized by the Internal Revenue Department of Nepal) Buy A Brick
All the money donated to be put in separate fund to build Autism Care Center All the donors name and amount to be put in the Autism Care Nepal website
How To Buy Account Name: Autism Care Nepal Account No: C Name of Bank: Sunrise Bank Limited, Swift: SRBLNPKA Submit directly to Autism Care Nepal Office Gairidhara All information will be put on website
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