Fruitvale Elementary School 2nd Grade Parent Night Fruitvale Elementary School Welcome! “The Year of The Student” 2013-2014
Literacy: Reading & Writing Complimentary Skills Read Write Spell Words from 1st Grade Growing Confidence and Independence
2nd grade Mathematics 1st Quarter: Additon, Subtraction, Number System Geometry 2nd Quarter: Data Analysis 3rd Quarter: Patterns, Functions, and Change Fractions 4th Quarter: Addition, Subtraction, Number System Measurement & Time
Grouping the Standards for Mathematical Practices Time: Slide 17 ~45 minutes (presentations) 10:15 – 10:55 (do 40 minutes) 2:30 – 3:15 As participants share, leave this slide up. Have each team share in this order to encourage connections with the groups. Say, Bill McCallum, one of the writers of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, described grouping the mathematical practices into four general categories: Overarching habits of productive mathematical thinkers (practice 1 & 6) Reasoning & Explaining (practice 2 & 3) Modeling Using Tools (practice 4 & 5) Seeing structure and generalizing (practice 7 & 8) Make sure to debunk and myths or misinterpretations of any of these. In particular, many teachers see #6 as simply getting the right answer. Unfortunately this is not simply procedural accuracy, it is actually having a strategy and being able to communicate that strategy to others – precision with language is just as important in this practice as finding a correct answer. (McCallum, 2011)
Thinking about value: Number Sense 3 aspects of a number Construction: the Foundation Concrete Representational .. Abstract 10 + 2 = 12 We are using the 100’s chart for strategies extending Math Investigations experiences to 2-digit numbers.
Addition combinations beyond facts Building our understanding with “Number Strings”
Strategy: Adding by place In third grade, students practice addition strategies that include adding by place and learn different methods of recording their thinking.
Report Cards Standards-Based reporting Performance (skills & knowledge) – Not Averages Learning Behaviors reported separately Conferences
Learning Behavior Expectations: Collaboration Civic Responsibility Participate and work effectively with others Respect the rights of others Follow classroom and school rules Acknowledge authority and takes direction Accept diverse population Use teamwork and leadership skills Work Ethic Personal Responsibility Manage time effectively Take responsibility for own actions Learn from instruction and feedback Take initiative and responsibility for learning Prepare for class Have few absences & tardies (always excused) Plan and prioritizes goals
Internet Resources: Fruitvale Website Parent Bridge IXL Math District Calendar Class Pages Parent letters Words to study Links for subject areas Reading, Math, Science PTA News School Activities on Calendar
What can I do ? At Ask questions to encourage your child to explain their thinking and make connections to the importance of learning in everyday life. Literacy: Expect 20 minutes of independent reading daily Talk about reading, ask questions, make meaning Read out-loud to your child; HAVE FUN!, model expression, explain your thinking, and talk about new words. Study word patterns, high frequency words, and talk about vocabulary Provide opportunities to write lists, notes, letters, stories Math: Expect fluency with combinations, forward and backwards number counting, place value Enjoy watching your child discover strategies for themselves. Ask questions to prompt thinking: Would drawing a picture help? Why does that work? Is there another way? Play math games at home and practice thinking in real-life situations.
More Resources: Free and Reduced Lunches Backpack program (food for the weekend) Scholastic Reading Club Book Orders. Math books.
Thanks for Coming!